~ Letters to Pip~
My daughter Reid Layne "Pip", was born with Down syndrome & that plus a few early complications in her little life took us by surprise...Surprise has now turned to hope & inspiration & I am amazed at how many lives she has already touched...
You can read about how our journey started HERE, the miracle we had along the way HERE, some scary moments HERE & HERE, who she is HERE & how she's already changed my life's direction & in turn the blog's HERE...
I wanted there to somehow be a way when she was older to know how very much she inspired people...I wanted her to be able to read a letter from others knowing how much she was loved...I wanted her to hear someone else's words & know she changed their lives...I wanted there to be a way for her to be able to see the happiness & hope she shared & know how very special she is because of it...
These letters are for her...I believe when she is older she will cherish them like nothing else...So, if my darling Pip has inspired you in anyway please leave a comment & if you want to write her a letter, please email me: t@happysoulproject.com & be part of this beautiful journey with us...
These letters are for her...I believe when she is older she will cherish them like nothing else...So, if my darling Pip has inspired you in anyway please leave a comment & if you want to write her a letter, please email me: t@happysoulproject.com & be part of this beautiful journey with us...

Dear PiP: These letters of Inspiration, Hope & Love are all for you...I know you’re going to change the world & here is just an example of the lives you’ve already touched...Amazing really...I love you sweet girl...
My Beautiful Reid,
I've decided to do your letters a little differently...Like your brother you will still have handwritten letters your entire life from your dad & I, but the more I think about how you've already touched so many people's lives the more I wanted a way for you to see that...Therefore, your letters on the blog will be from all those that love you, that you've inspired, that you've given hope to & made believe in miracles...

Reid Layne you've already changed me in so many ways...I know you are meant to be mine & I need you in my life...So, let's get through tomorrow sweet girl & then enjoy the life, your dad, Noal, you & I are blessed to have together..
I love you more than I even thought was possible & can't wait to see how you change the world...So happy you are mine...
Love Mum
Just to note, your dad took awhile to get on board this idea- But, because he is going to love you like nobody else does on this planet- His letter needed to go first...We are lucky to have him & I know you're going to adore him like I do...Here is just a small piece of his love for you baby girl...
Love Mum

I have a very special relationship with your mommy and I know that you and I will have a very special bond as well. You are my beautiful, loving great niece and I am so proud of you. Wish we lived closer so that we could see you and your family more often.
Love you,
Love Always,
Auntie Laurs xoxoxo

Love Aunt Biz
Finally on December 15th around 4pm I received a picture on my phone
of your mom sitting on the hospital bed. You were finally ready to make your
big entrance into the wold! We were all so excited and at 8pm you were born!.
Pictures soon hit facebook and we were all able to get a glimpse at you, a
beautiful baby girl Reid Layne.
Little Reid you have already brought so much joy into the lives of your family and friends. Especially your big brother Noal who absolutely adores you. The relationship and bond the two of you share is already so incredible to see. At only 18months old you can see that Noal has already taken on his big brother role of wanting to protect you. It’s an amazing relationship that the two of you will share throughout your lives.
Always remember Reid that the people who surround you throughout your life will always be there to help and love you no matter the obstacles you may face along the way. You’re an amazing little girl who is loved and adored by so many.
Love Shelly, John and Kohen Zubyck.
Since then we’ve been on quite the path to beef you up & make you big & strong...I’ve tried my very hardest the last 2 months to do anything & everything I could to help get us to today- I just didn’t realize it would be here so fast- I’m proud of you baby girl for putting on some pounds & defeating the odds...You amaze me with how determined you are in life...That my darling may be a trait you inherited from me- I’m a stubborn little ox according to your father...I like to think of it as a good thing...I mostly get what I want...And listen up Pip, I want you to kick this heart surgery’s bloody arse...Literally...You show those docs what a stubborn, determined, strong little mouse you are...
~Sweetest Reid~
Always and forever,
PS. I made you a little sweater, with your mum's blog logo on it... sport this post-op for me will ya? You are honestly the most happiest and content little soul and your mum couldn't have picked a better name for her blog...
Just to note, your dad took awhile to get on board this idea- But, because he is going to love you like nobody else does on this planet- His letter needed to go first...We are lucky to have him & I know you're going to adore him like I do...Here is just a small piece of his love for you baby girl...
Love Mum
I must start this with an apology – When it comes to my
family and the feelings and emotions that I have towards them my instinct has
been one of privacy. When your Mom
shared with me this idea I backed away from making my private thoughts and
wishes for you public ones. I have come
to learn that although this is a creative outlet for her, it comes from a place
of pure love and is something only she could do. This love for her children, in my mind, has
not only inspired but has challenged people to look at their own family in a different
way. I love how brave she is – you will
undoubtedly get that trait from her.
As you will find out I can be stubborn at times, but
after some careful reflection this truly is something special. I feel as though I need to be a part of
it. So I am sorry for being late to the
dance, but when you dance as well as I do you can afford to let punctuality
slide – you can ask your mother about that.
I think I have always been one of those guys who thought
they had a good handle on life and the lessons it can teach you. I carried on this way until the day your
mother told me your brother was on his way.
For me it was a sobering moment that exposed me to an uncertainty mixed
with pride and happiness. My
insecurities went from an ultimate high when I first held him back to normal
within a month or two – that’s right it didn’t take me very long to think I
knew it all….Again.
When I found out that you were on the way, a day I like
to call Shock n Awe, I found myself composed and calm. It was nothing I hadn’t been through
before….piece of cake right?
When we brought your brother home I remember my mind
racing about all the things I would teach him over the course of his life. When you came home with us the only thought
that I can remember was thinking about all the things you would teach me. This is a theme that has continued and
something that I look forward to daily.
I can’t wait to see your interpretation of our world as you grow, I am
sure it will continually change the way I think about things – as much if not
more than you being in my life already has.
You will probably hear a lot of words like benchmark,
spectrum, and milestone but I want you to keep this one thought close to
you. You will never care about where you
are unless you remember how you got there.
Struggle, determination, and resilience build character and you, sweet
thing, are full of just that. I will
always be right beside you to hold your hand or give you a boost in the event
that you need it….but I know you’ll do just fine.
As you can tell by these letters your mother is a pretty
special person – you will hear no different from me…..well maybe once in a
while…usually when she is smothering everyone with “We should take a
picture”. She is easily the most
beautiful person I know, this blog is only a small window into the size of her
heart and just look at how many people she has touched. The three of us are lucky to have her and she
will be your biggest cheerleader throughout life. If you get just half of her smile you will be
one amazing lady.
I look forward to our journey……
I love you,
To Our Precious Grandbaby Reid
We were so excited to have another grandbaby...this time
a little girl. You were the best Christmas present that we
ever received. Little Reid you are such a beautiful baby and
the first time we saw you we were both holding you and
Grandpa told you we would always love and be there for
you and you gave us both the biggest smile..just like you
understood. You have the most amazing Mommy and Daddy
that will always love and take good care of you and you also
have the best big brother Noal who will fill your days with fun
and teach you lots of new things. We are so happy that God
picked an adorable little angel to be in our family. We love
you so very much...Grandpa & Grandma xo xo
We were so excited to have another grandbaby...this time
a little girl. You were the best Christmas present that we
ever received. Little Reid you are such a beautiful baby and
the first time we saw you we were both holding you and
Grandpa told you we would always love and be there for
you and you gave us both the biggest smile..just like you
understood. You have the most amazing Mommy and Daddy
that will always love and take good care of you and you also
have the best big brother Noal who will fill your days with fun
and teach you lots of new things. We are so happy that God
picked an adorable little angel to be in our family. We love
you so very much...Grandpa & Grandma xo xo
Sweet Reid,
When you are reading this you will already know... You are a
special, beautiful, wonderful girl. Your life will have its challenges, but it
will also be filled with some of the most amazing people. Your dad Craig is so
caring and compassionate. The first time I saw him hold you, I could tell that
you were truly his little girl. And your mum... well, she will make you her
world. She will be your rock and your shelter. I know that her passion and her
love will truly make your life special. Your mom and I have such a special
relationship, and I know your big brother Noal will have with you. He already
shows so much care towards you, that I know the both of you will be close.
As for me, I am your BEST uncle!! I will be in your life and
always here for you. I already love you so much, and know that you will make a
huge impact on so many lives.
Love Uncle Air
To my darling niece, Reid,
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be an Aunt.
My Aunt Linda used to save me from the school bus
when—everyday—my oversized backpack would get me stuck between the seats. My
Aunt Orrene brought me to Storybook Gardens whenever I visited—it was the most
magical place on Earth. My Aunt Carolyn always incorporated my name into the
songs she would sing me, and most of the time, it was one of the only words
she’d remember.
My Aunts are some of my favourite people in the whole world.
They made me feel special—like I was the most important thing simply because I
existed. I want to be the kind of Aunt that saves my niece from school bus
induced mortification, encourages her imagination and sings her name because
it’s important enough to sing.
But most importantly, Reid, I want to be the kind of Aunt who
makes you feel special just because you exist.
There will be some things in your life that are more challenging
than any of us had wanted for you. Sometimes now—so soon into your life—it is
easy to spend time worrying about those challenges, and wishing with all my
heart I could take them away. But then I held you for the first time—I saw your
lovely face—and knew that you were the most beautiful little girl in the world.
How lucky you are, to have the family that you do…a mom, dad and brother who
will make sure that, every day, you know it, too.
When I was a little girl, my big brother—your father—was my very
favourite person. Sure, he chased me around the dining room table just to make
me scream, and he tried to pull my toes off, but he was still my hero. To be
perfectly honest, he continues to hold that spot in my heart to this day… (but
don’t tell him that!) And your big brother will be just as wonderful to you as
mine was to me. (Toe pulling and all, I’m sure). In fact, even just over a
month into your life, I can already see that he is.
Your mom has a spark in her that everyone envies—a brightness, a
happiness—that, by the time you’re reading this letter, I’m sure she will have
passed on to you, just as she has already passed it to Noal. This will
undoubtedly give you a special kind of strength to tackle this world head on.
You have so many people around you—including me—who love you and
cherish you, who are ready to stand up and fight for you, who want to share
everything they know about this world with you, protect you from it, and allow
you to thrive.
You are the best thing that could have ever happened to us,
little Reid, and we will never, ever let you forget it.
Love Auntie Ash
PS. I would like to take this time to apologize in advance for
all of the books I will buy you instead of toys, and for the days when I will
make it my sole mission to make you love Harry Potter. It will be done out of
love. Promise!
dear sweet Reid:
The first thing I want you to know my love is something I told your father when he was seven years old. You sweetie, can be anyone or anything you want to be. It may take a lot of work and a lot of determination but anything is possible. The world is yours. Reid, I am your Grandma “G”. And I love you to the moon and back. I want to be the “G’ that you can always come to, talk to when you think the “enemy” is against you….and that will happen, (parents are like that). I never had the Grandparents I wanted…..the ones that loved you unconditionally, that spoiled you, that thought you were the best there ever was. That is what I want for you and of course your brother Noal. I will be the one that loves you….just because……..
The first thing I want you to know my love is something I told your father when he was seven years old. You sweetie, can be anyone or anything you want to be. It may take a lot of work and a lot of determination but anything is possible. The world is yours. Reid, I am your Grandma “G”. And I love you to the moon and back. I want to be the “G’ that you can always come to, talk to when you think the “enemy” is against you….and that will happen, (parents are like that). I never had the Grandparents I wanted…..the ones that loved you unconditionally, that spoiled you, that thought you were the best there ever was. That is what I want for you and of course your brother Noal. I will be the one that loves you….just because……..
misunderstand me my love, I will set you straight if need be (ask your dad) but
I want to be the person you feel you can tell anything to. I want you to know that I will be there for
you whenever you need me to be.
you will come to understand my love, is that your Grandpa has gone to
heaven. I want you to know that he would
have been your biggest advocate…..and he still is. He was an amazing man, and would have loved
you dearly. I believe he is watching
over you from heaven and will give you strength and wisdom. Your daddy is a lot like him.
my sweet princess, is a combination of ups and downs, but we learn to grow with
every obstacle that is put in front of us.
There will be some failures and some accomplishments. You need to learn to roll with this. My best accomplishment is your Daddy and
your Auntie Ashley…… they make me so proud I could burst.
I have spent every day since you were born, waking each morning, stumbling out
to my computer to see if there is a new picture of you…….when there is, then is
it’s a good day for me. I love to start
my day seeing pictures of you and your brother……….distance between us makes it
difficult, but your mother is amazing at what she is doing……and each day I feel
that I am with you……watching you grow.
so look forward to being a big part of your life. I love you Reid…..to the moon and back.

Dearest Reid
It’s G’Dave. Now that in itself requires explanation. When your “G” and I met again after not seeing each other for over 32 years, it was tremendously exciting getting to know one another again but it also came with challenges associated with our recent past experiences, sadness and loss not being the least of them.
It’s G’Dave. Now that in itself requires explanation. When your “G” and I met again after not seeing each other for over 32 years, it was tremendously exciting getting to know one another again but it also came with challenges associated with our recent past experiences, sadness and loss not being the least of them.
You see your Grandpa Wayne left this world the
year before and truly, sadly, before he would have a chance to meet you and
Noal. Although I didn’t have the
pleasure of knowing him, from stories told he was a very travelled, well read
and learned man who would have instilled in you the joy of learning the History’s
of the world. Political and
otherwise!! Not to mention his pearls of
wisdom wrapped up in sayings too numerous to mention. I’m certainly not qualified to summarize him
since I didn’t know him. But as the one
who will be honoured to “play his part”, I feel that it’s important for you to
know that I proudly embrace his legacy. I
cannot replace him and would never try. It’s
impossible. And he will not be
Since I have been given the blessing and gift
of stepping up into that role, what I can teach you are what I love most in
life and number one is music. Playing
it, listening to it, singing it, writing it. I can’t stand a quiet room. Your “G” and Aunt Ashley can attest to
that! Your Mother calls my favourite
type “White Rock”. I prefer “Classic
Rock” myself and whenever possible played very loud!!! Maybe that’s why I’m deaf. :o)
Anyway we won’t tell your mother when we listen to Led Zeppelin, Black
Sabbath, Deep Purple and so forth.
What I know you’re going to teach me is to look
at the world through your eyes. Unquestioning
trust, faith, compassion, confidence, humility, determination, love…… I look very much forward to the revelation of it
Oh yeah….G’Dave. I needed something for you to call me. I lived in the Ottawa Valley for over 22
years and the first thing you hear and say there when you meet somebody is “G’day”. So since my name is Dave I thought that could
work. The “G” implying Grand but not
actually saying so and yet giving it an acceptable nuance. What’d ya think? As my mother would have said, “Oh David,
you’re so clever!!”
Unfortunately sweet girl, our relationship is
going to be a long distance one for the foreseeable future and maybe for most
of your life. But fortunately modern
technology keeps us close in many other ways so I won’t miss a moment of your
growing up. When we are together, it
will be magical and memorable and will hold us til next time. So it was with me and my grandparents. But at least I got to go to Ireland every
Be brave, be strong little lady and know you
have me to lean on anytime for anything.
All my love.

In the summer of 2012 your mommy, big brother Noal and grandma came to Calgary for a visit.
mommy had something very exciting to share ~ she was expecting you and she had
a special cake made
to announce her wonderful news. I had a feeling that you would be an adorable
baby girl and I started loving you that day.In the summer of 2012 your mommy, big brother Noal and grandma came to Calgary for a visit.
I was so
delighted to finally meet you when you were a month old. You were so beautiful
and sweet and
I loved just holding you.
mommy loves you so much and she will always make sure your life is full and
fun. I watched
while your daddy held you in his arms so lovingly ~ you will always be daddy's
girl. Noal will
be such a wonderful big brother ~ someone to play with and to get in trouble
with as well.
You are a
special gift to our family Reid. May you always know how precious you are to us
and always feel loved and cherished. I know that you will make this world a
better place just by being in it ~ you will be an inspiration and will help
people be more aware of things that are important like kindness and love.
I have a very special relationship with your mommy and I know that you and I will have a very special bond as well. You are my beautiful, loving great niece and I am so proud of you. Wish we lived closer so that we could see you and your family more often.
May your
life be filled with joy, love, laughter and many blessings.
lots of
love always and forever,
your tia xoxo

"Today you are you, that is truer than
true. There is no one alive who is youer
than you." Dr. Seuss
~ Reid Layne ~
With you at an age, ready to read this, I figure it
only proper for me to introduce myself first. See, I would love to believe that
you know me very well, see me daily and are extremely comfortable with Auntie
Muls ( I will explain later)...however, I have this feeling that you may know
me rather through your mum, and possibly a few visits each year :( .. that does
not change how much I love you. You see, your mum and I share an extremely rare
and special bond....and although I don't see Noal or you often, I hold you both
very close to my heart.
So I know you know me by now, Melisa Fines, maiden
name Mulcaster...aka “Muls” to your Ma....she has a nickname for everyone, as I
am quite certain you are aware of, at this point in your life! As well, i'm
spelling “mum” as your mom does....i figure you are used to reading it this way
because she refuses to spell it correctly ;) Your mum and I met when we were
working at a restaurant named Moxie's. We were in our early twenties..and I know
were brought together for a reason in this life....I so hope for you that you
find a friendship like the one your mum and I share, it's incredible....but
that's a whole separate letter....For this, my first letter to you, I thought about
what I wanted to say...and I decided to just give you a couple of tips about
life. But, even as I write this ~ I know without a doubt, you will be the one
teaching me, how to live a ~ happy life ~
There isn't much I can say, that your parents
haven't already told you...you have the best parents...(did you know, that I
played a pretty large part in them meeting? True story)....and I know it is
because of them, that you are who you are today :) They are remarkable
people...Your mum is the kind of person who, if you have met her once or have
known her forever...you will never forget her...she has taken on a truly
inspiring outlook on life, and it is contagious through the words she writes
and experiences she shares..
I'm certain you have heard this advice before, but
here is some advice I could think of, for you to carry around in your happy
little soul...
~You may not control all the
events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them
~Try to be a rainbow in someone's
~Make every effort to change things you do not like. If you cannot make a
change, change the way you have been thinking. You might find a new solution
Don't sweat the small stuff
~ Be you – always
~ Treat others as you would want
to be treated
~ Always see the silver lining
~ Appreciate the life you have
been given each and every day, give thanks
~ Believe in yourself...you can do
anything you want, if you believe in yourself ~
And the best advice i could give to you, is to watch
and listen to your mum...She is an amazing woman andyou will learn everything
you need to know through her. There are moments in life that are going to be
super tough...so tough that sometimes, you will feel as if you can't see past
it. When these moments happen, talk to her. You may not always see eye to eye,
but I promise you she has your best interest at heart and that protective mama
bear only wants what is best for you...always
I don't want to overwhelm you so I will leave it at
that for now. I have a tendency to ramble on, especially in the “teaching”
department..ask your mum or dad one day to tell you the “Yours in Education”
story..geesh. Just know I am here for you anytime, should you ever feel you
need me.
Love you,
Aunt Muls
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.You can steer yourself, any direction, you choose." Dr.Seuss

To lovely sweet baby Reid,
Where to begin....well your mum and I have a "unique" story to tell when it comes to our friendship! See we met before I was even born! The story is that when your grandma was in the hospital and gave birth to your mum, my mom was her nurse! She was just pregnant with me and so they put your mum up to my moms belly and said "meet your friend" or so this is the story your mum and I believe :). Anyways we were best friends growing up and pretty inseparable in high school! You couldn't have Tara without Laura nor could you have Laura without Tara :). I loved having your mum as my Best Friend! We truly have a special bond of 31 years of friendship! Most people can't say that! My hope for you is that you will find that kind of friendship in life and cherish it.
Where to begin....well your mum and I have a "unique" story to tell when it comes to our friendship! See we met before I was even born! The story is that when your grandma was in the hospital and gave birth to your mum, my mom was her nurse! She was just pregnant with me and so they put your mum up to my moms belly and said "meet your friend" or so this is the story your mum and I believe :). Anyways we were best friends growing up and pretty inseparable in high school! You couldn't have Tara without Laura nor could you have Laura without Tara :). I loved having your mum as my Best Friend! We truly have a special bond of 31 years of friendship! Most people can't say that! My hope for you is that you will find that kind of friendship in life and cherish it.
So your mum loves to call me Laurs so that would make me your Auntie Laurs and
she asked me to write you a letter and of course I was honored. I wanted to tell you how much you are loved and what a great and amazing life
you will lead! I believe that you are Very special and will achieve more than
anyone ever expects of you in life! I so look forward to having a chance to get
to know you and influence you in your life and I know you will definitely
influence mine and many others in your life path. I know God gave you the
perfect parents for the job and an amazing big brother who will always protect
you! I believe you will experience more love in your life than most of us could
dream of! Looking forward to watching you grow up into a beautiful person and I
promise to be here for you and your mum whenever needed!
Love Always,
Auntie Laurs xoxoxo

Hi Sweet Baby Reid,
I am your Aunty Focks…Yes your mommy gave me that nickname back when we were teenagers. We saw the movie Meet the Parents and the nickname was born! One day we’ll have to watch the movie together (it’s one of my all-time favourites) and you’ll understand.
I am your Aunty Focks…Yes your mommy gave me that nickname back when we were teenagers. We saw the movie Meet the Parents and the nickname was born! One day we’ll have to watch the movie together (it’s one of my all-time favourites) and you’ll understand.
First of all, I would like to welcome you to the world
and let you know how exceptionally blessed you are to have such an amazing
family. You are such a precious little girl and have already touched me in so
many ways, even though we haven’t even met in person!
The day I found out your mommy was pregnant with you was
so exciting and I was so happy for her!! Your mom was extremely thrilled to
have her “little diva” on the way. The
day you were born was even more exciting, seeing that first picture of you
brought tears of joy to my eyes as you were one of the cutest babies I had ever
seen and I was so happy for your family.
Not long after you were born, your mom told me that life
had thrown you an early curve ball as they found out that you were born with
Down Syndrome and could need a couple of big surgeries in the near future. From
that point onward, all I could do was think about you and your family and how
hard this must be to deal with. I started praying to God to heal your heart and
eyes, believing that you would grow up as a vibrant, happy little girl. I know
you are going to have to face some challenges in life, however, I also believe
that they will make you become a strong, confident and joyous woman that we
will all admire and be so incredibly proud of.
Your mom and I became friends when we were 15. She is one
of the most incredible people that I have ever met. She is outgoing,
adventurous, kind hearted and the list goes on and on. There is never a boring moment when she is
around as she never fails to find some way to make every situation hilarious. She welcomes everyone she meets with an open
heart which coincides with her two famous words...”No Judging!” The first
couple weeks of your life has really made me see how brave your mom is, she
will never admit to it but she is one of the most courageous people I know.
What a lucky girl you are to have such a wonderful mom!!
I am also excited for you to meet my baby girl Lauren. I
look forward to the friendship that two of you will build and can only hope
that you create a bond that will last a lifetime, just like the one that your
mother and I have made!
I love you more than you know and I will always be here
for you. I am so happy to be a part of your life and am excited to see what the
future brings for you.
I would like to
end with a quote that I came across; I think we should all try to live this
believed she could so she did……….
Love your Auntie Focks

Dearest Baby Girl Reid...
From the moment I first heard you'd be joining this world, and all that it has to offer I was filled a sense of mischievous excitement and anticipation. You see....your Mom, one of my dearest friends in this world, and I, have been causing trouble and making some of the sweetest memories I have had, since we were about 8 years old. Today, I'm 19 weeks pregnant with my first baby...one that I know you will be fast friends with. Your Mom and I have always been what I consider to be kindred spirits, It never matters how far apart we are or how much time has passed, we always pick right up where we left off. Those kinds of friendships are rare in this world, and are cherished by those who have experienced them. Your Mom and I have shared so many moments of your journey so far...during the time she carried you for 9 months, the day you were brought into this world, to the first few weeks of your precious life so far...we have smiled, laughed, cried, prayed and believed for miracles in your young life.
Even though we haven't met yet, I know I already know your heart, and it's full of love, and healing and joy, just like your Momma's. Your Dad is a rock...I knew it from the moment we met, that he was perfect for your Mom. And his heart is as big as your Mom's....I couldn't think of two more loving, open, honest and caring parents to raise you in this world. You were chosen for them and they were chosen for you.
Noal, your sweet big brother, will be like my brothers, and your Uncle Eric...protective and supportive, and one of the best friends you have in this world.
I can't wait to see you grow and make your place in this world...and always know you have the love and support of your Aunt Biz whenever you need it...
All my love sweet Reid...
All my love sweet Reid...

Welcome to the world sweet Reid!!!
I can't believe you are finally here and I haven't been able to snuggle you up yet! That's all your mom and dad's fault but we can talk about that another time ;)
I can remember when your mom found out that you were going to be a little girl. I was selfishly very happy because I knew all the fun that was to come for you, Quinn and Avery together. Tea parties, dress up, Barbie's and all the other good stuff that comes with having a little girl. I could see you all togther in the years to come having so much fun together. We'll still get to enjoy all of that but it just won't be as often. You can be sure you already have two little best friends over here. The girls say prayers for you every night, we wanted your little heart to be whole and we got what we asked for! We LOVE to see your pictures and watch you change and grow everyday. We'll be so ready to meet you when the time comes.
You are a lucky little girl my love. So many people are thinking of you and cheering you on. You have been so strong since you were born, you must get that feistyness from your mama and Noal. You're place in all of our lives has already impacted everyone so much and I can't wait to see what else you have to teach us Reid. We already love you so much and can't wait to see you, your big brother and you Mom and Dad.
Thinking of you always,
Auntie Jenn xoxo
I can't believe you are finally here and I haven't been able to snuggle you up yet! That's all your mom and dad's fault but we can talk about that another time ;)
I can remember when your mom found out that you were going to be a little girl. I was selfishly very happy because I knew all the fun that was to come for you, Quinn and Avery together. Tea parties, dress up, Barbie's and all the other good stuff that comes with having a little girl. I could see you all togther in the years to come having so much fun together. We'll still get to enjoy all of that but it just won't be as often. You can be sure you already have two little best friends over here. The girls say prayers for you every night, we wanted your little heart to be whole and we got what we asked for! We LOVE to see your pictures and watch you change and grow everyday. We'll be so ready to meet you when the time comes.
You are a lucky little girl my love. So many people are thinking of you and cheering you on. You have been so strong since you were born, you must get that feistyness from your mama and Noal. You're place in all of our lives has already impacted everyone so much and I can't wait to see what else you have to teach us Reid. We already love you so much and can't wait to see you, your big brother and you Mom and Dad.
Thinking of you always,
Auntie Jenn xoxo

Dear Little Reid,
I can still remember the day your mom came over and told me the news she was expecting you! She had a smile from ear to ear and was glowing with excitement. This was such a special time for your mom and I to share. We had gone through are pregnancies with Noal and Charlotte together and now your mom was expecting again just 9 months later! We quickly began to talk about what life would be like with two babies and wondered if you were a boy or a girl!
After your moms ultra- sound of you the news was out!! A little girl would be added to the McCallan family! We were all so excited and your mom name you the little "Diva" which was a perfect fit seeing as your mom is a total diva and your brother Noal was nicknamed "Noalene" for his strong personality.
Your mom and I spent a lot of time together during her pregnancy with you. We would have long talks about what we thought you would be like, what you would look like, if you were going to be strong willed like Noal and if would share the same love for food. Food was another very important part of the time your mom and I spent together. On the days your mom would come over she pretty much had the days menu planned out for us. She has a real passion for food among lots of other things that we all admire. Most days revolved around a big treat shared over coffee.
Towards the end of your mom's pregnancy your family had made the move to Kingston leaving me devastated at the thought of not being just a 5min drive away anymore and the thought of not being able to get together for play dates and lunch dates whenever we wanted. We would talk on the phone daily and she would send me pictures of her growing belly. The last month seemed to pass by so slowly and every time your mom wouldn’t respond to a text or phone call right away I immediately thought this is it she’s having that baby girl!
I can still remember the day your mom came over and told me the news she was expecting you! She had a smile from ear to ear and was glowing with excitement. This was such a special time for your mom and I to share. We had gone through are pregnancies with Noal and Charlotte together and now your mom was expecting again just 9 months later! We quickly began to talk about what life would be like with two babies and wondered if you were a boy or a girl!
After your moms ultra- sound of you the news was out!! A little girl would be added to the McCallan family! We were all so excited and your mom name you the little "Diva" which was a perfect fit seeing as your mom is a total diva and your brother Noal was nicknamed "Noalene" for his strong personality.
Your mom and I spent a lot of time together during her pregnancy with you. We would have long talks about what we thought you would be like, what you would look like, if you were going to be strong willed like Noal and if would share the same love for food. Food was another very important part of the time your mom and I spent together. On the days your mom would come over she pretty much had the days menu planned out for us. She has a real passion for food among lots of other things that we all admire. Most days revolved around a big treat shared over coffee.
Towards the end of your mom's pregnancy your family had made the move to Kingston leaving me devastated at the thought of not being just a 5min drive away anymore and the thought of not being able to get together for play dates and lunch dates whenever we wanted. We would talk on the phone daily and she would send me pictures of her growing belly. The last month seemed to pass by so slowly and every time your mom wouldn’t respond to a text or phone call right away I immediately thought this is it she’s having that baby girl!

Little Reid you have already brought so much joy into the lives of your family and friends. Especially your big brother Noal who absolutely adores you. The relationship and bond the two of you share is already so incredible to see. At only 18months old you can see that Noal has already taken on his big brother role of wanting to protect you. It’s an amazing relationship that the two of you will share throughout your lives.
Always remember Reid that the people who surround you throughout your life will always be there to help and love you no matter the obstacles you may face along the way. You’re an amazing little girl who is loved and adored by so many.
Love your Aunt Donna xoxo

Dear sweet little Reid,
I'm so excited to meet you! By the time you read this I know we'll be good buds. Just a note about your family- You're going to love them...there are so full of laughter, fun, and most of all- love! Your mom came into my life just at the right time and she has meant so much to me- and I know you're going to feel the same way! You've got lots of boys to contend with between your dad, your big brother Noal and of course Deacon, but trust me, they're great. I know you and Noal will have a very special relationship and I'm sure he's really excited about being a big bro. I can't wait to watch you grow and enjoy all that the world has to offer you Reid. You're a gem, I know it- and I haven't even met you yet.
Sarah (or Aunt Birninette)
I'm so excited to meet you! By the time you read this I know we'll be good buds. Just a note about your family- You're going to love them...there are so full of laughter, fun, and most of all- love! Your mom came into my life just at the right time and she has meant so much to me- and I know you're going to feel the same way! You've got lots of boys to contend with between your dad, your big brother Noal and of course Deacon, but trust me, they're great. I know you and Noal will have a very special relationship and I'm sure he's really excited about being a big bro. I can't wait to watch you grow and enjoy all that the world has to offer you Reid. You're a gem, I know it- and I haven't even met you yet.
Sarah (or Aunt Birninette)

Dear Reid,
I knew you and I would have a special relationship when your mom told me you were moving to Kingston and I would get to watch you grow up. Now, after having met and held you, I know it will be even more special than I had first imagined. Charlie and I first became friends with your mom and dad when we all lived in what we refer to as 'The Great White North'. We had some really, really fun times together up there, so when your mom told me you guys were moving to Kingston in time for you to be born at the same hospital as Aidan, I was super excited!
I know you already know this bit I'll tell you again. You're super lucky to have the mom and dad that you have. They're such fun, caring, supportive and loving people and they love you and your big brother Noal to pieces! Noal is going to be a great big brother to you, too. He is going to teach you so many amazing things. You will both learn from one another and the family love that your mom and dad will show you will probably be stifling at times but will keep you bonded forever. I can't wait to watch you, Noal and Aidan grow up together and make special memories of your own.
You have your first big hurdle on Friday and I'm scared for your mom and dad. I know you'll be fine. You're one tough little cookie and will amaze the Dr.'s once again! It's your eye surgery. It's bright and early and I know your mom and dad will be pacing the halls just watching the clock. It's really tough watching your babies be sick and having surgery is even tougher. I'll be saying more prayers for you little one. And for your mom and dad too!
I'm honored to be a part of your life Reid and am looking forward to learning from you and being there to support you along the way. You've got my hand to hold whenever you need it!
Much love,
Aunt Sam
I knew you and I would have a special relationship when your mom told me you were moving to Kingston and I would get to watch you grow up. Now, after having met and held you, I know it will be even more special than I had first imagined. Charlie and I first became friends with your mom and dad when we all lived in what we refer to as 'The Great White North'. We had some really, really fun times together up there, so when your mom told me you guys were moving to Kingston in time for you to be born at the same hospital as Aidan, I was super excited!
I know you already know this bit I'll tell you again. You're super lucky to have the mom and dad that you have. They're such fun, caring, supportive and loving people and they love you and your big brother Noal to pieces! Noal is going to be a great big brother to you, too. He is going to teach you so many amazing things. You will both learn from one another and the family love that your mom and dad will show you will probably be stifling at times but will keep you bonded forever. I can't wait to watch you, Noal and Aidan grow up together and make special memories of your own.
You have your first big hurdle on Friday and I'm scared for your mom and dad. I know you'll be fine. You're one tough little cookie and will amaze the Dr.'s once again! It's your eye surgery. It's bright and early and I know your mom and dad will be pacing the halls just watching the clock. It's really tough watching your babies be sick and having surgery is even tougher. I'll be saying more prayers for you little one. And for your mom and dad too!
I'm honored to be a part of your life Reid and am looking forward to learning from you and being there to support you along the way. You've got my hand to hold whenever you need it!
Much love,
Aunt Sam

Beautiful Reid;
As I hold your sweetness and gaze into your sparkling eyes my heart is overwhelmed. Your precious little nose, cute mouth and little tongue that insists on poking out are so amazing. You have been on the earth for a few short weeks and yet the impact you have had already is huge.
As I hold your sweetness and gaze into your sparkling eyes my heart is overwhelmed. Your precious little nose, cute mouth and little tongue that insists on poking out are so amazing. You have been on the earth for a few short weeks and yet the impact you have had already is huge.
The love between
your mom and dad is inspiring. The way they affirm one another and are willing
to hold each other up is a great reminder to me. Your mom is a pretty strong
lady. The heart ache and questions she has had to face with some of the
uncertainty since your arrival has only made her stronger. I know that she will
continue to be your greatest support and strongest rock through any of the
challenges you may face in the future.
Your little brother Noal – cute thing he
is – he’s a little bit of a momma’s boy…and you may or may not have taken up a
little bit of you mommy’s time. In the moment I am sure he is not happy, but
the love he has for you is evident. When I steal your sweetness and hold it he
barely takes his eyes off of me. He is already taking on the role of the
protective older brother. He will be a boy who knows how to protect and love
and encourage like no other. You will bring that out in him.
And sweet Reid –
the world can be a hard place. You are already facing obstacles that many of us
will never encounter. But the love that you are being surrounded with is
immeasureable. The number of people who are reaching out and sharing your story
will also be the ones to create your support network.
I am so happy that God has
placed your family back in my life (and around the corner!). I know that you
will grow each of us differently. You will teach us patience and compassion,
empathy and tenderness. You will teach us to smile even when the world seems
dark. I pray that you will be patient with each of us as we learn to grow in
those characteristics.
You are a blessing and God knew exactly what He was
doing when He formed you. So never be afraid to reach out to us, to use our
strength and our love to help you face the day. You are so loved. You are going
to rock that extra chromosome.

Welcome to the world sweet little Reid! We are a few of your
mommy, daddy and big brother Noal’s friends from the great white north (as your
momma likes to call it!) We miss you all so much and can’t wait to meet you in
person for the first time.
At only a couple months old you have touched our lives in the biggest way. You
are a true inspiration and such a brave little mouse. We think about you and
love you so much and have been following along your already amazing journey.
You keep changing the world, Reid.
Love Shelly, John and Kohen Zubyck.
Ps. You can thank us for the day your ning ning’s tasted like chocolate covered
My Precious Baby Girl...
Listen up Buttercup- You my darling in 4.5 mths have given me more heartache & fear than any other time in my life...In the same breath you’ve given me more hope& strength than I could ever imagine having...
When you had your eye surgery at 6 weeks old, I thought that would be it- I somehow mustered up the strength to get through that with you, thinking that would be all you would have to endure...When I found out the hole in your heart then needed to be repaired & you were in heart failure, I can’t even begin to describe how devastated I was...You had already proven to me & to everyone what a sassy little fighter you were but for some reason fixing a heart just seemed so scary...

I need you Pip, now more than ever- You’ve changed my world, my heart & our little family...We aren’t complete without you now...
Your big brother loves you so much & really missed you when you were in the hospital before- So, he’s wanting you to get better & home soon so he can play with you again...He’s been trying to wear an eye patch so he can be “like Reee”...He loves you & is already so protective of you...When we pick him up from daycare & other little kids gather around you, he proudly tells them that’s “my Reeee”&protectively puts his arms around you...
Now, your dad, he’s a softy- always has been when it comes to me & Noal...But, you sweet Reid have somehow gotten so deep in his heart- He's mesmerized by you...He loves you so much & is in awe of your strength...You have one proud papa there baby girl...He’s just as scared as I am but he literally is my rock & I’m certain I couldn’t have done any of this without him by my side...The way he looks at you Pip, ahh just gets me every time...So much love...You are so his baby girl...
So, here we are Reid Layne- tomorrow we go to CHEO& the next day you have heart surgery...I will be right beside you the entire time...I will anxiously be waiting to hold you, sing to you, tell you I love you & get on with being your mumma...
Be strong my darling one more time...Okay? I need you to- For me – For Daddy- For Noal & even for Deac...Not to mention the thousands of people you inspire- Let’s show them how truly strong you are...
I love you so very, very much...Don't be scared- You got this- And we'll be right there when you wake up...Be prepared for days of snugs & kisses, cause you're getting them....
Love mum
Beautiful Reid,
I can't tell you how much you have changed the world already. Your momma has shared your story and from what I can see it is literally reaching people from a multitude of countries. What I can tell you is how much you have changed my world. I have seen you overcome some adversity already and know that I will continue to see you overcome. I have been beyond blessed to be able to take you out and show you off (and claim you as my own!). Being able to snuggle with you and chat with your mom has been the highlight of some of my weeks - and the fact that you don't judge your mom and I as we eat 2 creme brulee!!!As I think now of what your little body is going to go through I am struggling for words. When I would sneak up to visit you in the hospital when all this came to light, my heart would just ache to see you fighting to breath - all I wanted to do was squeeze you hard enough so you didn't have to hurt anymore. But you, little Pip, showed this world some serious strength. You fought back with every inch of your little body. You need to summon up that strength again and then some.I will be praying endlessly for you and your family and will be here to support anyway that I can. I can't wait to snuggle you again - but more then that, I can't wait for the day when I can take you on mini dates. I have years ahead of me to spoil you, so you need to get through this surgery so we can make plans!
I can't tell you how much you have changed the world already. Your momma has shared your story and from what I can see it is literally reaching people from a multitude of countries. What I can tell you is how much you have changed my world. I have seen you overcome some adversity already and know that I will continue to see you overcome. I have been beyond blessed to be able to take you out and show you off (and claim you as my own!). Being able to snuggle with you and chat with your mom has been the highlight of some of my weeks - and the fact that you don't judge your mom and I as we eat 2 creme brulee!!!As I think now of what your little body is going to go through I am struggling for words. When I would sneak up to visit you in the hospital when all this came to light, my heart would just ache to see you fighting to breath - all I wanted to do was squeeze you hard enough so you didn't have to hurt anymore. But you, little Pip, showed this world some serious strength. You fought back with every inch of your little body. You need to summon up that strength again and then some.I will be praying endlessly for you and your family and will be here to support anyway that I can. I can't wait to snuggle you again - but more then that, I can't wait for the day when I can take you on mini dates. I have years ahead of me to spoil you, so you need to get through this surgery so we can make plans!
You are one loved little peanut.
Love Auntie Joc
Sweet Baby Reid,
Although we haven't actually met yet I feel so close to you and so inspired by you! You are a fighter at core! I truly believe that you get your strength from your mama because she's one of the Strongest women I know, and always has been!!!!!!!
As you head in for heart surgery on Thursday I will be praying, and praying hard for you, your parents, and the Dr's. I will be praying that God would guide the Dr's hands through this surgery and all will run smoothly as planned!
In the short 4 1/2 months you've been on this earth you have touched more people than you can ever imagine! Your strength and courage have been overwhelming and I know you've made your mum and dad proud!!
You are a fighter!!! I can't wait to hear all about how smoothly the surgery went!
Love you sooooo much Reid, and your mum, dad and brother Noal too!
Love Auntie Laurs....xoxo
Although we haven't actually met yet I feel so close to you and so inspired by you! You are a fighter at core! I truly believe that you get your strength from your mama because she's one of the Strongest women I know, and always has been!!!!!!!
As you head in for heart surgery on Thursday I will be praying, and praying hard for you, your parents, and the Dr's. I will be praying that God would guide the Dr's hands through this surgery and all will run smoothly as planned!
In the short 4 1/2 months you've been on this earth you have touched more people than you can ever imagine! Your strength and courage have been overwhelming and I know you've made your mum and dad proud!!
You are a fighter!!! I can't wait to hear all about how smoothly the surgery went!
Love you sooooo much Reid, and your mum, dad and brother Noal too!
Love Auntie Laurs....xoxo
~Sweetest Reid~
Hi baby girl, It’s your Auntie Muls here...I wanted
to take this chance to write this letter to you for several reasons : First of
all, it was soooo nice to finally meet you and snuggle and just enjoy being
with your mom and brother :) It was long overdue and I can't tell you enough
how smitten I am with your happy little soul...as for your brother, well I
nearly took him home in my suitcase. He
is going to make you laugh, and entertain you for life.
It was something else to be able to witness first
hand the McCallan household in full swing, your parents are amazing and work together like the dynamic duo , Batman and Robin :) You are
one lucky little girl to have such a great team in your corner in this thing
called “Life”.
I know you and I had some great little chats while I
was there, but I wanted to make sure you remember what we were talking about ;)
~ You are going to CONQUER this heart surgery- no
question about it. You've got Cassidy in you, and that alone has some serious
fiestiness! (just ask your dad)
~ Stay as strong as you are, now and always...you
have already been through so much in your tiny little life...you've got
mountains to move, so let's be done with this chapter and move onto the next..
~ Try not to stress that momma bear of yours out too
much, she acts like she has got it all together, but she's going through a lot
and won't ever let you see...show her, you've got this
... We talked about many more things, but I won't
give up all our secrets ...
I wish beyond anything that you didn't have to go
through this..that somehow I could snap my fingers and it would all go
away...however, God has other plans...so here it is...I'm going to stay positive
and leave it up to the Big Guy upstairs.
I know for certain that he has big plans for you .
You’re going to touch so many more hearts in this
next little while Reid Layne, you will have every doctor and nurse wrapped
around your finger. However, it's your
heart that needs the touch of healing hands. Fight through this and get
I can't be there for your ma, and it kills me, so
pretty please, go in and “kick this heart surgery's arse”. Can't wait to watch you nap again...you
know,where you throw your neck back as
far as it can go, open your mouth , and snooooze ...like only you can.
I love you beyond little girl..
I love you beyond little girl..
Always and forever,
Auntie Muls
PS. I made you a little sweater, with your mum's blog logo on it... sport this post-op for me will ya? You are honestly the most happiest and content little soul and your mum couldn't have picked a better name for her blog...
Dear Reid,
Just want you to know that you are in my
thoughts and prayers. You already know that you have a very special mommy( I
don't know your daddy or brother but they sound pretty special too). Whenever I
need extra prayers I ask my mom as she has been praying a long time so I will
get her to pray for you too. I'm sure that all the people that will be looking
after you in the hospital are the very best as it takes extra special people to
take care of babies.
Stay strong sweet girl. XO
Liz Robazza
Beautiful Reid,
It’s your Auntie Ash here to apologize for waiting until now—as you wait to head into surgery—to write you a second letter. The thing is Reid, I’m a little bit like your father in that I like to keep my feelings to myself, especially when those feelings scare me. We’ve known for less than a week that your heart surgery is today and I need to admit that I haven’t let myself think about it for too long at a time. When I’m scared, I shut down. I choose to distract myself, and push the scary, terrifying thoughts away. I soften the sharp edges of that fear with a joke, or with a positive smile and an “Everything is going to be just fine.” It’s been a trait of mine for as long as I can remember and, if I’m being honest with myself, a bit of a flaw. The past four months, sweet Reid, you have taught every single one of us what it means to be brave. Because you don’t have a choice, do you? Whereas I can choose to push down my fears of the hole in you heart, the tube in your stomach, or the patch on your eye…you live with every one of these things every second. You can’t deal with it later; you can’t wait until it all catches up to you. You need to be brave now. In this moment, and in every moment since the day you were born. You have taught me how… So now I need to do it, too. I will be thinking of you every single second through your surgery and sending all the love and positive energy I can possibly muster… I already know how much strength you have, but if you could be strong for just a little while longer, then the rest of us can take it from there. Thank you for everything you have already taught me, Reid. I can’t wait for you to teach me more.
It’s your Auntie Ash here to apologize for waiting until now—as you wait to head into surgery—to write you a second letter. The thing is Reid, I’m a little bit like your father in that I like to keep my feelings to myself, especially when those feelings scare me. We’ve known for less than a week that your heart surgery is today and I need to admit that I haven’t let myself think about it for too long at a time. When I’m scared, I shut down. I choose to distract myself, and push the scary, terrifying thoughts away. I soften the sharp edges of that fear with a joke, or with a positive smile and an “Everything is going to be just fine.” It’s been a trait of mine for as long as I can remember and, if I’m being honest with myself, a bit of a flaw. The past four months, sweet Reid, you have taught every single one of us what it means to be brave. Because you don’t have a choice, do you? Whereas I can choose to push down my fears of the hole in you heart, the tube in your stomach, or the patch on your eye…you live with every one of these things every second. You can’t deal with it later; you can’t wait until it all catches up to you. You need to be brave now. In this moment, and in every moment since the day you were born. You have taught me how… So now I need to do it, too. I will be thinking of you every single second through your surgery and sending all the love and positive energy I can possibly muster… I already know how much strength you have, but if you could be strong for just a little while longer, then the rest of us can take it from there. Thank you for everything you have already taught me, Reid. I can’t wait for you to teach me more.
love you so much, and I can’t wait to be able to see you again. Soon <3
Dear Sweet Pip,
Because of your smiling little
face I didn't shed as many tears when my little Urijah was diagnosed with Down
Syndrome 4 months ago, because of your smiling face I had hope and joy knowing
how wonderful and precious his life is going to be.
Megan Taylor
You will be 1-yos soon. You are a very beautiful little girl. It’s our pleasure
to get to know about you. If your mom didn’t write about your doctor
appointments, you look very healthy to me. So, please keep staying strong and
healthy!!! We are looking forward to seeing you grow bigger and stronger!!! God
bless you and your family.
Love Sabrina Wilson
Hey Pip,
I started following your mom's blog around the time of your heart
surgery. From what I have read so far, I know you are a
fighter and a little rock star to have gone through so many challenges at
a young age. I have a little girl named Lorelai who has Downs syndrome and is a
heart baby like you. She will turn one year old just two days after
you. Just reading about you let me know that everything was going to be
ok; that if you could do it so could Lorelai. When I found the Happy Soul Project,
I was feeling kind of lost and afraid. Even though I've never met her,
your mom has inspired me to stop stressing and just enjoy life through
her stories, pics, and sense of humor about it all. You and Lorelai
will most likely have more challenges in the years ahead, but just remember,
you can do anything you want to do and be anything you want to be!
Leah Miller
Dear Pip,
Happy celebration of your first trip around the sun. You are an incredibly special girl. You can melt any strangers heart and I can safely say that everyone who sees your smile instantly falls in love with you. You have been through a lot in your first year and in the process have touched numerous hearts around the world. Keep being your brilliant little self. You have a huge cheering section who know you are going to do great things. Continue to inspire people the way that only you can.
Happy celebration of your first trip around the sun. You are an incredibly special girl. You can melt any strangers heart and I can safely say that everyone who sees your smile instantly falls in love with you. You have been through a lot in your first year and in the process have touched numerous hearts around the world. Keep being your brilliant little self. You have a huge cheering section who know you are going to do great things. Continue to inspire people the way that only you can.
Dear Pip,
I went to high school with your momma, and I found out that I was
pregnant with my first baby right around the same time you were born.
Then as my pregnancy progressed I had some complications and ended up in the
hospital for 2 months. I was scared and worried for my baby, and in such a bad
dark place some days. But I would go online and look at the pictures of you
that your momma posted, and they would always bring a smile to my face! Your
beautiful smiles would brighten my day and always reminded me to be happy and
look on the bright side of things. You and your brave momma both helped
me through some rough days, and gave me the strength to be brave too!
Love, Heather Kennedy
Happy 1st Birthday
baby girl. I don't know you personally, but I know you enough to tell you just
how beautiful you are. Your sweet innocence lights your face, just as much as
your strength and determination does. I came to know of you and your beautiful
family by reading your mommy's blog- Happy Soul Project. The name is a perfect
match. I have a little boy who will be 8 months old soon. He has Down Syndrome
too...and just like you are the light in your family's world, he is the light
of mine too. Pippy---I hope that your light will always shine as bright as it
can. Never let anyone take that from you. I pray that laughter will always be a
big part of your life, as much as it it now. You are an inspiration to so many
people, and don't even know that yet, but you will in due time. Keep living
life little angel, because you are doing so good at it now...nothing should
ever change that. Just know that you are loved by many, but that love will
never measure to the love of your beautiful mommy, daddy and big brother Noal.
Their life is blessed by your ever shining light.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. - James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. - James 1:17
I cannot even put
into words the energy that comes from you. You are an amazing little boy and
the best big brother ever. Pip will learn a lot from you and you will learn a
lot from Pip. I know you will be there to protect her and to take her by the
hand and always assure her that all will be okay. Noal, keep watch over Pippy
and teach her the ropes, for she will one day look back on all of that and
smile. I know I do not know you personally, either, but I see the beauty in
your little spirit! I pray for many more blessings in your life Noal---as you
already have many. Keep smiling sunshine, life is too beautiful not too. Keep
bringing that handsome little face into all of our lives for you, too, warm our
hearts! Pippy looks up to you and admires you. There's nothing better
than that. Noal, you rock! Always remember that!
Thanks Tara, for
allowing so many of us the opportunity to share in this and your lives. You
truly are an inspiration to many. God bless you always, as he already has :)
Sheryl Smith
Dear Reid (Pip),
After reading your finalist board on indie 88.1 I have been voting for you every day! I am Angela R another finalist right beside you on the computer. When reading I couldn't help but to read more and more about you and your family Pip I am “different” too! When I was younger me and my twin sister had to wear eye patches just like you! Big people always used to stop us when mum took us out to play. Mum doesn’t talk much about it now but tells us that people always used to stop her and tell her how cute we both were. My mum just like yours loves you so much because you are YOU! Now that I am big, people still say I am different because I love my girlfriend. I love her so much and she loves me! See Pip everyone is different in their own way and being different does not mean it is bad. I think it actually means the opposite. People are curious and might not know how to ask your mum how very special you are, SO I think this super, gigantic, big billboard for all your friends to see is a building block for your happy soul project and to tell them all! (What makes you different, is what makes you beautiful )I hope someday me and my girlfriend and sister can be friends with you! AND see you on TV when you are on Ellen! She is my favourite!!!!! She is so nice and funny. Good luck Pip!
Your friend,
Ange XXX ( BIG loooooooonnngggg hugs!!!)
After reading your finalist board on indie 88.1 I have been voting for you every day! I am Angela R another finalist right beside you on the computer. When reading I couldn't help but to read more and more about you and your family Pip I am “different” too! When I was younger me and my twin sister had to wear eye patches just like you! Big people always used to stop us when mum took us out to play. Mum doesn’t talk much about it now but tells us that people always used to stop her and tell her how cute we both were. My mum just like yours loves you so much because you are YOU! Now that I am big, people still say I am different because I love my girlfriend. I love her so much and she loves me! See Pip everyone is different in their own way and being different does not mean it is bad. I think it actually means the opposite. People are curious and might not know how to ask your mum how very special you are, SO I think this super, gigantic, big billboard for all your friends to see is a building block for your happy soul project and to tell them all! (What makes you different, is what makes you beautiful )I hope someday me and my girlfriend and sister can be friends with you! AND see you on TV when you are on Ellen! She is my favourite!!!!! She is so nice and funny. Good luck Pip!
Your friend,
Ange XXX ( BIG loooooooonnngggg hugs!!!)
So beautiful Tara!! Thanks for sharing, Reid is in our nightly prayers and extra praying tonight and tomorrow until she is back safely in your arms! Sending good vibes and strength your way from one mom to another!
ReplyDeleteLove The Robertson's (Elizabeth & Boys)
Dear little Reid, I will repeat what I just wrote on your Aunt Barb's fb...you are truly a gift from God and so precious. Tomorrow, during your surgery, your Creator will hold you safely in the palm of his hands and guide the surgeon. God will be right there beside you protecting you, he loves you most of all. I will pray that he comforts your mom and dad too, and gives them peace, until you are safely placed back in their loving arms. Tara she is such a beautiful little baby...I love the photo of Reid looking up at you and you at her...it is just a priceless photo.
ReplyDeleteDoreen Dech
I am sitting here with 2 of my sweet grandkiddies reading all the wonderful letters to Reid. I have tears pouring down my face. At first I was sad that Reid and her mum and dad and brother are going through some sad scary surgeries but as I read all the wonderful letters of love to Reid my heart opened wide with happy thoughts for this special family. Reid is so loved and cherished as all babies should be. She is going to be fine. How can she not be with all the love in the world. God holds Reid in his hands and he will keep her safe. Blessings to all of you.
ReplyDeleteDear Sweet Little Reid, Mommy, Daddy and Big Brother:
ReplyDeleteI keep a little heart shaped prayer box on my dresser into which I place petitions to God to help those who need help. It seems to be you have so much love in your family. I will now place a petition in my box and ask that God Be with you all, Bless you all, Protect you all and find a way to bring good health to your little Reid now and forever more. All my love and kisses to all of you. xoxoxoxo Clorinda Zielinski
That may be the cutest kid I've ever seen, and I've got five of my own and 6 grandchildren! What a sugarplum! Keep smiling, Baby!
ReplyDeleteDear Reid, Noal, Momma, Daddy and new baby broder (who at this moment we have yet to meet);
ReplyDeleteI found out about you just before your 3rd birthday. Wow! Little girl, you have rocked my world! I fell in love with you and your sweet big brother Noal, and immediately wanted to go for a coffee with your momma. I will never have kids myself, which makes me sad, but I have nephews and a niece who I adore more than words can explain. And if I can have half of the fun with them that your family gets to have with you, then consider me one lucky auntie! You are one gorgeous, clever and dynamic little girl. And your story makes me smile (and cry, momma), so keep on keepin' on! Hello world, here comes Pip!
So much love to you and your family xxx
My motivation!
ReplyDeleteDear Reid, Noal, Momma, Daddy and new baby broder (who at this moment we have yet to meet);
ReplyDeleteI found out about you just before your 3rd birthday. Wow! Little girl, you have rocked my world! I fell in love with you and your sweet big brother Noal, and immediately wanted to go for a coffee with your momma. I will never have kids myself, which makes me sad, but I have nephews and a niece who I adore more than words can explain. And if I can have half of the fun with them that your family gets to have with you, then consider me one lucky auntie! You are one gorgeous, clever and dynamic little girl. And your story makes me smile (and cry, momma), so keep on keepin' on! Hello world, here comes Pip!
So much love to you and your family xxx