Dear Mommas,
Once upon a time I had a baby girl named Pip who came with a ridiculous amount of extraordinary needs. And while I couldn't possibly love her more, at times I still grieve her differences.
Obviously in situations like surgeries or medical challenges, I loath the disadvantages & complications her differences bring.
But in situations like today for example, simply another kid's birthday party. I can find myself in pockets of sadness wishing she got to experience it like everybody else. Heck, wishing I got to experience it like other parents.
This afternoon, both Noal & Pip went to a school friend's 6th birthday.
I barely even saw Noal, because he was so wrapped up in his friends.
[She made this face the entire 2 minutes & 37 seconds it took him to get her mask on.] |
With Pip however, just her gear alone could tie ya down.
I came with her Dexom & Omnipod Insulin pump.
I had snacks for lows & test strips for poking.
I brought pullups & baby wipes because we are no where near potty training.
And then Pip brought with her.
An ear infection.
A few meltdowns including when she wasn't allowed to open the birthday boy's presents.
And of course so much sass.
But, before I could even allow a droplet of grief to cloud our day, another momma shown me extreme kindness just by reaching out.
- She kindly got Pip her own gluten free pizza & treats.
- And she told me how much her son LOVES being in Pip's class & that she was the first person he said he wanted to invite to his party.
And somehow those silly thoughts I was having about wishing she got to experience things like everybody else.
They went away.
She was experiencing it, exactly as she was meant to.
Friends, listen. Mommahood is hard. And as a special needs momma or whatever you want to call me or us, we take on that & much more. We are utterly exhausted. We are burnt out. We are frustrated and scared. And a lot of the time we feel very alone.
Our paths are so different that it's a rather lonely road sometimes.
But when someone extends kindness, thinks outside the box and embraces your child's differences.
That is inclusion.
For my daughter and for me.
Love this. Your Pippy is so sweet she makes my heart melt. And those who choose to include her - they will be the benefactors of all of that goodness a million times over. It's a gift that everyone is able to receive but so many don't accept and it's tragic, because kids like Pip - they exude all that we are humans are supposed to be in the eyes of a holy God. Love, acceptance, and peace <3