One of the cool perks of being a blogger is getting to work or collaborate with other-like-minded people or businesses...And when Quirkie Kids contacted me to help share their message by having Pip & Noal as Brand Reps, you best believe I jumped on that...

And you want to know why? Not because it means a few, free, cool shirts for my hooligans, that's a major perk of course, but no...I said yes because this is their mission:

"Quirkie Kids is a line of pink tees for girls AND boys. Our tees feature playful designs of things not typically associated with the color pink. At Quirkie Kids, we believe that ALL kids should be free to wear pink regardless of their gender. Some kids like green. Some kids like blue. And some kids like pink and we say: why not? 
Quirkie Kids is about more than just pink tees. It's about encouraging kids to embrace their uniqueness and giving both boys and girls more options to express themselves through their clothing. Some girls like rainbows. Some girls like butterflies. And some girls like dinosaurs and again we say: why not? 
No child should have their gender questioned or be judged or teased for what they wear."


What sold me is "encouraging kids to embrace their uniqueness" - I'm all about that...

So wear pink, wear blue, wear green and don't be mean, about what anyone else chooses to wear. Learn to wear what makes you feel like you and teach your kiddos to do the same.