Whenever I head "Out West" aka Calgary for some reason I always get a case of the "What Ifs", whenever I board the plane...
I don't know if it's the thought of adventure {this time squashed down between the nightmare of flying with two kids}, the majestic mountains, the daydreams of what could have been or just seeing and wanting to be around my family more...
But whatever it is the "What Ifs" come in strong. You see right before I met Craig, the boy I fell so hard for and later married, I had in my mind that after school I would make the move to Western Canada. When I was in high school, my family almost moved to Calgary and it's something I've always wondered and pondered about what my life may have been.
It's weird because I've been & lived around the world, but for some reason my mind mostly "What Ifs", about moving West... What if we moved when I was in high school? Would I not have been such a nerd? Would I have been cooler? Probably not, but one can think right?
What if I didn't have the best friends I did growing up? Would I have met as good of people with such big hearts?
What if I didn't date my high school boyfriend all those years? Would I have dated more boys? Maybe ones who ride horses? Why my mind goes there, when I'm not the biggest fan of horses who knows.
What if I didn't go to school in Windsor? Out West would I have chosen a different field? Would I have different interests? Would I have a career in something totally opposite of what I did here?
What if I didn't meet Craig? Gasp...What if I met a boy instead who always wore a cowboy hat and while I thought it was cute at first annoyed the crap outta me, anytime after the appeal wore off?
What If - What If - What If....For some reason my mind a rambles when I head West...
But, thankfully it only rambles for a wee bit because I'm truly one who believes that our lives happen for a reason...
Who we meet, who we love, where we go & what we do with it, all happens as it should...
So I don't live in the "What Ifs" a lot because the "What I haves" is so damn awesome...
P.S- The Calgary snow is September helped cure my "What Ifs" like nothing else - As if I packed for bloody snow...Not cool Calgary, not cool.
I too live in the "what ifs" . I fulfilled my dream of moving out west and had to return to Ontario. This created more what ifs. But I try to think "everything happens for a reason" . (Love your pics btw)
Tara is a quirky writer, #hashtagjunkie, fan of inclusion, adoring/annoyed wife, minivan momma to 3 hooligans, one who just happens to have extraordinary needs and proudly runs a non-profit called Happy Soul Project, that celebrates the beauty in differences.
Inspired by her daughter Pip, Tara has become a passionate Advocate, who loudly preaches the importance of representation & fights for Disability Rights. She’s obsessed with tacos & chocolate, is in the process of building an accessible home for her child, has given a Ted Talk and oddly is a killer nickname giver.
Despite the many challenges life seems to throw at her, Tara lives with an attitude of thankfulness, refusing to sink despite the struggles & narrates her experiences from a momma’s heart.
I too live in the "what ifs" . I fulfilled my dream of moving out west and had to return to Ontario. This created more what ifs. But I try to think "everything happens for a reason" . (Love your pics btw)