It's been over 20+ years since a national Canadian parenting magazine, Today's Parent has featured a child with Down syndrome on the cover...And my girl, my daughter, my Pip was the one to change that.

Can you hear me thunderously clapping while reading this? If not maybe try clapping while you continue...Or if clapping isn't your thing and you want to continue reading in tears watch this first...

Did ya get through without some? That video seriously gets me every time...

But really when I think of the whole experience; working with the team at Today's Parent, the amazing photographer Hamin Lee, who not only took the time to make my kids laugh but danced right along beside them, getting to know the inspiring Editor-in-Chief and then seeing my words, my heart, my story inside the issue, it has all been kinda surreal...

But last week actually having the issue in my hands, seeing my kids on the cover, realizing how very special this all is, it almost took my breath away...

Seeing Noal in all his cuteness and knowing behind this picture was a little boy who not only got pizza sauce on this shirt, found a drill {ya, a freaking drill} on the set and tried to "fix' things, and neck-gripped-hugged his sister in his overprotective way, makes this picture all the more dear to me.

I mean for any momma, seeing their children in all their cuteness on a national magazine would be a moment...Right?

But seeing Pippy...Oh, be still my heart.

Well seeing my daughter on the cover is so much more than that...Seeing Pip on the cover is powerful, it's history and I guess it's HOPE...

It's hope that a change is coming - It's hope that people start to recognize and accept people as they are, no matter the differences - It's hope that as she grows up, more and more she sees "herself" or others with differences on magazine covers - It's hope that through her life and what we are doing at Happy Soul Project we are changing perspectives - It's hope and in a way proof {not that I needed it} that Pip is indeed a lifechanger, that her purpose here is so very meaningful and beautifully important. 

This experience for me in a way has kind of been eye-opening and in turn, almost life changing...Sitting down to talk with Sasha Emmons, the Editor-in-Chief and later trying to write the article, not knowing exactly what I wanted to say or how I wanted to say it brought out some real truths in my life...In a weird way it's almost kinda like being drunk - the truth comes out before you really even know what you are saying...

"I hope that Pip is in this world and knows how loved she is. Knows that it's okay to be different. Knows that she's beautiful. I hope that she grows up to be a creative, independent person with a generous spirit and grateful heart...Everything I hoped for my daughter before I found out she had Down syndrome, I hope for in Pip." - To read more and my article in Today's Parent click HERE....

Truths I didn't even know were there because I never really looked at them before...Truths that now fuel me even more so, in showing the world just how beautiful, different can be...

So truly from all that I got, thank you Today's Parent...Thank you for seeing the shine in my hooligans, thank you for recognizing and showcasing their happy little souls and helping to share our story, our message and our journey. 

All photos by the amazing Hamin Lee