Our little family was watching Global News at possibly the worst time ever for two young kids, so between Noal whining for dinner, Pip banging anything she could get her sticky little paws on and my husband trying to shush us all, I sat, then stood, then froze when I saw my face on TV.
Me and the hooligans made our TV debut on a feature about Making a Difference and in that moment seeing it all come together, I felt like I was on the best damn roller coaster ride ever...Such a rush, so exhilarated, picture me literally "eeeeeecking" in delight...To see the video click HERE.
Just so you can try to understand how weird & wonderful it was seeing our story on tv, here are just a few thoughts that were running through my head as I watched:
- Eeeeeeeck - there we are...Eeeeeeck the hooligans look so cute...
- Why did I have to sit beside the giant lizard decoy on my cousin's wall - It looks like it's coming out of my head.
- I sound so husky - Do I normally sound so man-like? {I was trying so hard to hold it together and thankfully they didn't show me crying but in turn my voice sounded so manly}
- God my kids are so freaking cute, it's ridiculous.
- Ahh Trianna's interview with her cute son Thatcher was so touching. {I was in another room while they were interviewing her so that was the first time I saw what she talked about}
- Do I really talk with my hands that much?
- Haaaa amazing they got in Noal's little dance - {Noal actually gave Susan Hay and her crew a full performance of What Does the Fox Say and meant it like a star}
- Oh wow, the news anchors seem genuinely touched by our story.
- Dammit my hooligans are outrageously adorable.
- Wow these kids are aging me fast - Those crowsfeet are taking over my entire face. HD tv wowza you show it all...
- I can't believe this is happening - I can't believe that is me and that is our story...
And if that wasn't enough - Our Happy Soul Project store opened after months of designing it, working with partners, figuring out the administration and logistics of it all...Within hours we had sold out of most items...HOURS...I mean come on - That was utterly humbling and well just pretty bloody awesome...Thank you friends for supporting it...
Pretty awesome day right?
So anyone who had the day I had would probably be flying high on that roller coaster, with their arms fully up, enjoying the ride and taking it all in...
But like any good ride at some point it must come to an end...I absolutely hate that jerky, back breaking, tug on the tracks stop at the end of a roller coaster ride...And yesterday well Fate/God/Karma Whomever thought it would be fun to have me going full speed ahead and then wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am crash stop on the tracks...
Yesterday I opened this in the mail...
If y'all can't read that, it is Pip's pre-surgical patient information package "What You Should Know About Your Child's Anesthesia"...Bloody hell...Pip's scheduled for another eye operation in April and while we knew this was eventually going to happen, actually having it scheduled and getting this damn package made it oh so real...
So Fate/God/Karma Whomever, it's a good thing I bloody like roller coasters cause you know what I'm gonna do? Eject that seat belt so hard and fast, scootch my way right back to the front of the line, throw my arms up in the air the entire time and begin the climb to the top again...
SideNote: Last night I had to submit a "reference" for Pip - She was nominated as a Hero of the Year with the Canadian Down Syndrome Society - Amazing right? Even more amazing is within an hour more than 150+ people left a comment about how Pip had inspired them...Without even knowing what y'all were doing you lifted me up - You didn't know I got bad news today, you didn't know I was completely gutted about thinking of yet another operation for Pip...You just wrote because she touched your life and those words helped me get off the roller coaster, soak it all in and get on back for another ride...So thank you, once again for your part in our journey...
SideNote: Last night I had to submit a "reference" for Pip - She was nominated as a Hero of the Year with the Canadian Down Syndrome Society - Amazing right? Even more amazing is within an hour more than 150+ people left a comment about how Pip had inspired them...Without even knowing what y'all were doing you lifted me up - You didn't know I got bad news today, you didn't know I was completely gutted about thinking of yet another operation for Pip...You just wrote because she touched your life and those words helped me get off the roller coaster, soak it all in and get on back for another ride...So thank you, once again for your part in our journey...
Amazing, life is definitely like a roller coaster! The great thing is getting up, building, learning! Yes, having children is a beautiful thing! Congrats Pip!
ReplyDeleteFor some reason .. you have the ability to make my eyes tear up when I read your blog. But they are tearing up in a good way :)
You go Tara..we can only send you our light and our strength...
ReplyDeleteMiss Pip should be Hero of the Year!