My best friend's little boy has cancer...CANCER...That big, ugly thing that scares the be-jezus out of everything...I can't believe I am even writing these words...

This is a friend I've had since I was a baby - Literally, we like to tell people when I was born, her mom who was pregnant with her at the time, was my mom's nurse and held me up to her belly & told us we'd be best friends...We told it so many times throughout our life that one day when our moms told us it didn't happen we actually didn't believe them...It was a story we based our friendship on & made last 30+ years...

A friendship that grew up through each phase of life together...A childhood full of fun & mischief, the teenage years surrounded by boys & Taco Bell, and adulthood set with marriage & mommyhood...

That being said, nothing prepares you for the phase in life when your best friend calls and through sobs tells you her son has cancer - NOTHING...

What was supposed to be a visit to the hospital because her little boy had a stomach ache turned into test after test pointing towards cancer...

I had to bring Pip to the ER the other night and after a chest x-ray, I just kept thinking of my friend, getting that news without ever seeing it coming...I pictured the doctor coming in to tell me Pip's chest x-ray showed signs of something awful, almost to prepare myself. So when he told me she unfortunately had pneumonia he must have been surprised when I smiled and said, "We'll take it"...

It's amazing that after all Pip's been through - After all her hospital stays, surgeries and doc appts, you would have thought that I would be a pro at how to handle this situation...That I would have the words to say, or the actions to do something...But I don't - I'm numb by fear, saddened by circumstance and feel so very helpless...

All I could tell her was what I know...I know as a momma you are so choked by fear, saddness and the unknown...But I promise you this, you will get through it...All of it, no matter what may happen...The strength from within will somehow come when you need it most...The power you have as a momma is so deep in you, you need not worry if you can do it...You can do anything because you are fueled by the love of your child and that is more powerful and holds more strength than literally anything else on the planet...

I talked to him the other day on the phone, I tried to tell him he was so strong and so brave but hearing his little voice was too much...

I cried so hard...For him...For what he's about to have to go through...For my best friend...For all that she as a momma is going to have to endure and for the unfairness of it all...Her son, who despite the fact that she has 3 children is my absolute favourite...

I know you shouldn't say that but I have right from the start...Something about little Maiysn just always felt special...When we moved back from Ireland my husband moved to our new town while I stayed and waited for Maiysn to be born...

Noal even has the exact same birthday as him...So you see he was meant to be my favourite and I will never apologize for saying so. 

At the end of the day I realize, this is part of his story...We don't see the big picture and while it seems like Fate/God or Whomever doesn't know what the hell they are doing, really they do...Really they know that this little boy for some reason or other was chosen to be one of the ones who kicks cancer's arse...And let me tell you he is going to kick it and kick it hard...

I asked Happy Soul Project friends if anyone was willing to make and donate a super-I'm-going-to-kick-cancer's-arse cape so he could wear it and know how very strong he was...And because of the overwhelming response, just like that Happy Soul Project is starting a new initiative to give out capes to kids battling cancer...


So if you can sew, always wanted to learn to sew or know someone who does, what better thing to make than one of these capes...Let's do this- Let's make em and give em out to kids who need that extra super-strength...

You in? If so email me at - And if you can, send up a little prayer to help my Fav...