That being said as I'm laying there sweating one minute & freezing the next I can't help but think about failing the #31for21 Challenge & that's not an option...
So, here my friends is yesterday's Pip Awareness Pic & today's....Both are old pics & have been used on Happy Soul Project before but I love their message & think their fitting for the #31for21 Challenge...
Yesterday's pic is from this POST & it's 8 little things you may not know about Pip...
And today's pic is from this POST, a little update post Pip's eye surgery...
That's all I got in me at the moment - Seriously, being a mumma & being sick might just be the worst thing ever... This morning before I got Noal ready for daycare/ "school" he kept laying on the couch, rubbing his own head saying, "No school, Noal sick like mumma"...Little bugger, he's bloody two- I thought the fake-outs didn't happened till they were at least in real school...
So I rubbed his head for a bit, thought I was going to die, left him for a minute to puke & came back to him stuck in his sister's exercauser...
"School" day for sure little man, but really good try...Happy he really commits to his act...Life is bound to be fun with this one...
I hope you are feeling better today. Getting really sick is a way of our body telling us to slow down a bit and look after ourselves as we look after others. I'm inspired by your blogs and share them with friends. Warmest love to you and the family, Alison in the UK