God or Fate or whomever is no longer in a church for me...And that's okay...I'm okay with that...That doesn't mean when I am in a church I don't feel God- It just means my "Faith, Belief, Hope, Peace" is thinking outside that "Christian Box"...
Regardless, one thing that always moves me about going to a church, any church is seeing the faith others hold...
Take today for example...While at a beautiful, old church watching our friend's get their baby baptized my mind was not once on the service, the songs or the scriptures being read...
My mind was on the man behind me who sang so incredibly bad & loud, but it didn't matter because he meant it with all he had...
My mind was seeing the kindness in the old man beside me as he gently touched Pip's back, smiled & said God Bless her...This same old man who as they baptized my friend's baby, whispered in my ear that in that exact same spot 73 years ago he was once baptized...He then pointed to the frail old lady at the front of the church and told me it was his mother & she was 105 years old & had been attending this very church for 100 years...As if that wasn't amazing in itself, he then told me she refuses to miss a Sunday & walks a bloody hill to get there...
Right in that moment, that is what I needed to feel "God"...I just needed a little dose of seeing someone else's faith- And not just a little bit, a 100 years worth...
And that my friends, is all I needed to appreciate "Faith" today...Not the hymns being sung, the words from the bible, the communion shared by many...But simply a message outside of the box...