Most of you know me if you know my Mumma- I'm Noal or her Bubba, Mouse or Potato...And if I'm being extra good or cute even her Prince...
So, my mum decided to let me "blog" today since I have so much to say lately & in all honestly I'm the entertainment this blog is missing...I was extra special yesterday to prove that to her & so, now here I am- Having my moment, sharing my thoughts with y'all....So, as my mum likes to say, enjoy....
I'd like to start off my telling y'all that my mum seems to have a problem...She is either constantly taking pictures of me, blabbering on about me or giving me kisses...Friends, like she likes to call y'all, let me tell ya something-this woman is obsessed with me...Straight up loving me up constantly- But I don't mind- She's kinda my favourite girl...Well her & my little sister Pip...
Some of my absolute favourite moments of the day are just cuddling or "snuggin", as we like to call it around here, with her...Nobody snugs me like my mum does...
Anyways, enough about her, she knows I love her, I even told her for the first time the other day & now her & my dad won't stop bugging me to say it again...Beat it folks- I only say it when I want to...I have also started to daze off & ignore them when I'm not feeling it...Kinda like my Grandma, I just faze them out- so they have started calling me Bev like Gramma...Silly folks, don't they know this is just the beginning of me not listening to them...
Okay now I know y'all wanted a Pip update- People are constantly asking my mum questions & such about her...So, we had to bring Pip to the cardiologist yesterday for another echo cardiogram & weigh in & all that fun stuff...I like to give my mum a hard time at all these appointments just to get a rise outta her...Because we had 3 appointments yesterday I was in fine form & really wanted to pay her back for laughing at me last time I had a doctors appointment...She thinks she knows everything & told me not to do this, but I'm a boy, I was fine & now we watch this video over & over & my mum laughs pretty hard...She's weird like that- she likes people falling & stuff...Weirdo...
So, back to Pip....Really my mum should be telling y'all about this cause all I know is she was really happy...She hugged the doctors, had tears in her eyes when the one doctor told her Pip's heart was perfect now & looked like she wanted to jump up & down when Pip weighed in at 13 pounds...Big deal- Hello, I was 13 pounds by the time I was like 6 weeks old...Nobody got that excited for me...I guess it's kinda cool though, that my mum doesn't have to use that silly machine & waste so much time instead of playing with me...But I will miss the sweet "music" it made...
Anyways, by the time Pip was having a "show" on her heart I was getting bored with it all- My mum had one hand holding my sister down while the other hand was trying to keep me entertained...Come on mum, ain't no way that was gonna last long...And the heart "show" was sooo boring compared to my favourite show Franklin...Just that morning I was owning the theme song...My mum just plain out sucks at the lyrics...Good try though mum...
Note to mum you can only give me so many yogurt covered raisins before I need to go off & explore...Exploring yesterday meant yelling up & down in the hospital halls, charming the nurses & of course running as fast as I could before you could get the echo tech guy to hold Pip, and pulling out the electric cord to his big bad machine..I was over it but you & echo guy didn't seem too impressed...
I don't have to do much to get out of trouble with my mum...I mean come on, by lunch all I had to do was charm an entire restaurant with my chatty little personality, sit beside her & snug her with kisses & I was her "Prince" again...Easy...I was saving the good stuff for later in the day anyways...
But before I entertain you with my afternoon antics, back to being a big brother & Pip...So, I guess all is good with her- She still wears her patch half the day but I like it- It's like I have a pirate for a sister, how cool is that?
So, I know I have only been a big brother for 5 months but I have figured out a thing or two in that time...I've been trying to tell all my friends who are going to be big brothers or & sisters but you don't really get it until it happens to you- You are going to fall in love with your baby sister/brother- Try as you might to fight it {and trust me, I tried, I got my mum's spunk & I gave them a good go when they first brought Pip home} you're gonna love them...My advice, just give in & y'all will be so much happier...The baby is there to stay- They tricked me a few times & kept bringing her back & forth from that hospital place where we got her...But now it looks like a pretty permanent thing and since my mum & dad seem so happy about that, nothing left for me to do but get in on that...I do have to note though, that this time since Pip's been back, she's been a real sassy thing...Crying & talking up a storm- My mum keeps telling people it's like she all of a sudden has a newborn now as Pip is making up for lost time...Whatever that means, all I know is mumma is looking rough in the mornings & complains to daddy that Miss Sass was up 4 times last night...So, I figure if she's up anyways, I don't want to miss out on that action & have been getting up myself at 4am-ish...Good times...
Anyways back to being a big brother- It's up to me I hear to teach Pip things...So, I try to read to her & teach her all my wicked animal sounds...It's also up to me to make her laugh & smile...I try all sorts of things- The other day I tried blowing on her & she made funny faces & was really trying to laugh- My mum didn't know if it would work so then we tried together...
We'll keep trying...that's what I like about my girls, their always up for my antics...But they surprise me too- Things I think their gonna like they don't...Although I gotta say my mum will laugh at pretty much anything I do...This really makes her & my dad giggle & now I say "scuse" after I do it...I'm the coolest I think...
So, back to our day- I usually like to nap but sometimes I just like to do my own thing...It's my space, my crib so I should be able to do what I want right?
I thought I'd work on some moves instead of napping which then lead to a few of what my mum likes to call "tantis"...I don't understand why my mum just doesn't get it.. WOMAN, I like wearing shoes okay? When they fall off, "quick like a bunny" or I'll lose my mind...I don't ask for much but I am not budging on the shoe thing...
To end the day I usually like to DESTROY as much as I can...It's just I usually can't seem to find the toy I am looking for & when I do, I only want to play with it for 45 seconds and then search again for another...You don't mind do you?
Well all in all I think it was a good day- Don't you mum? Good harmonies with our Franklin theme song...A little action with that heart show thing...A yummy lunch date to celebrate Pip's recovery & my favourite part of the day where I really like to rock out, a good old bath....
There's your update y'all...Pip's golden, I'm a rockstar in the making, my mum is happy & life is grand over here in the McCallan house...Till the next time...
Oh ya & thanks for reading my mum's blog- I'm glad someone is listening out there to her rambling on & on...
Love Noal
Awesome post Tara! Such a great idea. I love all of the pics of Noal! xo Gus Gus
ReplyDeleteT - I laughed and cried (Shelly and Luca)! Thanks Noal!
ReplyDeleteNoal will do that to ya!!!