Sometimes {usually around 6:30ish after dinner when I'm counting down the minutes till bath/bed time after I've changed 10+ diapers, played 4 hours worth of cars & watched the same episode of Franklin 3 times} I find myself wondering what life use to be like...What did it feel like when it was just me? What did sleeping whenever I wanted, peeing all by myself & eating with two hands feel like? It wasn't that long ago, I mean Noal will be 2 in July but it all feels like a lifetime ago...

It's amazing where life takes you eh? The whole journey really is utterly amazing...I often think back to my life & wonder where I would be if certain KEY moments hadn't of happened...Who would I be if I stayed with my high school boyfriend? Would I have ever have left my hometown if I didn't take the initiative to travel? If I hadn't met Craig would I have moved out West as planned? If I didn't study Journalism would I even be writing today? If certain friends hadn't come into my life would I be the friend/person I am now? All the what if's can set an imagination on fire...But, I can honestly say,  I'm truly one who believes,  we are- where we are  ALWAYS meant to be....

I was meant to have a high school sweetheart to learn about love, friendship & heartache...I was meant to move away at 16yrs old to work in a homeless shelter to learn about compassion & strength...I was meant to travel & explore to learn to always feed my curiosity about people & the world around me...I was meant to go to college & study words to learn to use them as a creative outlet...I was meant to be blessed with so many amazing friends along the way to learn to cherish friendships in life...I was meant to fall madly in love with a boy from Northern Ontario to learn to share my life with someone....I was meant to marry that boy to learn how to create a family of my own...

I was also meant to have this boy in my life to learn how to love & be loved completely, navigate
through different places in the world & to teach me how to live life positively & laugh & get on with it...

I was meant to have a high risk pregnancy with Noal to learn to be so very thankful for him each & every day...

I was also meant to have a baby boy who likes to draw on his
diaper & body to learn to chillax & go with the flow of things...

I was meant to have a baby with Down syndrome to learn to cherish each & every chromosome Reid has...
I was also meant to have a baby with such a beautiful soul & strong spirit to learn about hope & true beauty in life...

I was meant to be Noal & Reid's mum to learn pretty much everything....

Everything about where I am in life right now feels so perfectly aligned...From things in life like my marriage & the hooligans, to loving up our new city with all the amazing doctors & such for Reid, to having the perfect house for us right now, to meeting new friends who have babies with Down syndrome too- it all just feels so meant to be lately...

I guess all I'm trying to say is I am very thankful to finally be where I am right now in life & feel like I can finally stop chasing after whatever it was I was looking for all along.

I am here, where I am suppose to be...

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