I woke up to this beautiful face...
Ahhhh cute right?
Ahhhhhh wrong...Pip here has been waking up at 3-am-ish the past few days & won't go back to sleep for hours...Noal is then up usually around 5-am-ish just as Pip is finally nodding back off- This morning was a special treat because on top of that sweet sleep schedule Noal thought he'd start the day by "helping" out & put all Pip's diapers in a toilet full of pee...Amazing!!!
The Hubs then looked over with a cute grin & sarcastically said why don't you share that & your lovely texts with your readers...Well dear Craig, you should know that sarcastic little smirk you have only challenges me more...So, dear friends here you have it...
The last few days have been a bit challenging...
In the middle of the night/early am when all I want to do is sleep & Pip is wide awake- I've been sending him text messages - things like; "I want to punch Pip in the neck" {those that know me know this is a saying & those that don't please know I don't really want to punch my baby girl}, or things like "I'm gonna like Noal better than Pip today- this little rat isn't going to sleep" , or even when it's been a few hours things like "Pip's a douche"...Weird right? But, because I'm up I feel the need to share all this with his sleeping arse...
Now, Noal the past few days has had some major tanti's- He'll get himself all ready in his shoes/boots & put on a hat all by himself to go outside & when/if I say no, well Sweet Jesus, it's honestly the end of the world...Or God forbid I suggest a different hat or shoes...
He's such a character with such a strong little spirit- I can't help but love every single thing he does- Especially when he bust out with this now...I'm done for...
But then 22 seconds later he'll try to put a sword up his dog's butt, he'll take a big gulp of water, look at me & then spit it on the couch or he'll pinch my underarm fat so hard my eyes water...
So, point is sometimes being a mum - a sleepless mum to boot- SUCKS...It's not easy what we do...So, again ShoutOut Mumma's- We ROCK...And Craig those text messages won't be stopping anytime soon...
Brutally honest, I love it!! Don't worry ill get up at 5am with you next Friday morning...that's what friends are for <3
ReplyDeleteLaurs xoxo
i LOVE this tara! You are so right and have such a way with words, even when you you are venting. I can totally see myself in those same crazy mom moments when I want to run screaming. Like when I was getting ready for a baby shower and Keiks decided to colour herself from head to toe Orange with a Crayola marker. I totally bailed on that shower bc as much as they say that those are washable ummm... they aren't. She was stained. Even if I dressed her in long pants and a long sleeves, her face and eyebrows looked ridiculous. I couldn't possibly take my child out in public like that! As i tried to scrub her she screamed and cried and ran away, I cried too because I only had a half hour to get her cleaned up and get there.I finally gave up. Being a mom is not fun sometimes, you're right about that. But looking back on it now I can tell the story and laugh because she was pretty funny looking and in the end I missed the shower but I have a great memory because of it.
ReplyDeleteI would be waking his arse up lol
ReplyDeleteOmg you crack me up!!! I also do this to my husband all the time..then he really gets me fired up saying.." you wanted 4 kids figure it out right" .. that usually doesn't end well with him either!! Lol..Thanks for your honesty I think too many moms are afraid to say how they really feel!! I'm sure people judge some of my stories but hey it's life:) keep blogging your posts are the best!!