Well God, Fate, Sweet Jesus, Ellen or whomever doesn't seem to want to be on our sides lately...First, Reid has a little miracle, then it gets snatched away...Then we are given hope that Reid is a candidate for a less envasive heart surgery & like our little miracle that too gets snatched away...Have to say I'm getting a little mad at this game...

So, we finally got the call from CHEO/SickKids & the outcome isn't what we were crossing our fingers so tightly for...Looks like Reid will have to have heart surgery where they go in through her chest- This just means a bigger surgery, longer recovery & hospital stay & harder on our little mouse...But if anyone can do this, Pip can...She's proven over & over already in her short little life that she's our fighter...

However, Pip's mumma isn't nearly as strong...Had myself some major meltdowns yesterday...When the surgeon told me, I started crying & you could tell she was just so uncomfortable & wanted to get me off the phone as soon as she could- Had one hell of a day trying to wrap my head around what this means for Reid & my little family...Then later in the day I got another call, telling me they would like to do this ASAP & have Reid scheduled for surgery MAY 2nd!!!! Hello, that's in a week...

Had myself a good old cry & when my sweet little Noal came over & just crawled up in my arms for a hug- I could barely keep myself together...Just so many emotions going through my head...I mean forget about all the fears/worries I have for my daughter...All the stress & sleepless nights I'm about to endure...I'm dreading being away from my Bubba for that long...I've only been away from Noal a few times {when Reid was born for 2 nights & one night when she was in heart failure in the hospital- all the other nights I made sure to come home to at least spend some time with him & put him to bed}...But I don't have this option as the surgery/recovery will be in Ottawa...So, not only am I dreading all that comes with Reid in this situation, but it will kill me to not be with my son...

So, expect a real hot mess of a mumma this next week leading up to her surgery...We leave on Wednesday as Reid has to be there for a bunch of pre-op test & such...

I probably won't be blogging much but will try to update y'all on Happy Soul Project's Facebook page...

Once again, friends, I beg ya to think, pray, wish, do WHATEVER good & positive thing you can, to lift up my baby girl...