Today marks World Down Syndrome Day-it's on 3/21 to symbolize a third copy of the 21st chromosome in people with Down syndrome...

It's a Day to bring awareness to something that I ignorantly didnt have a clue about till Reid was born...Since finding out my baby girl had Down Syndrome, my ignorance in not knowing much has turned to curiosity- I now want to learn as much as I can about Down Syndrome, books, websites, support groups & other bloggers who have walked the walk have all helped enormously.

Its amazing all the resources out there & I am so grateful to be part of a community at Down Syndrome Blogs & The International Alliance of Writers for Down Syndrome: The T21 Alliance...What I am learning through other bloggers who share their stories is inspiring, helpful & so encouraging...So BIG ShoutOut to all bloggers who have shared- You have helped more than you'll ever know...

I still have so very much to learn...But, little things like Reid doesnt have Downs she has Down Syndrome- well even more specific, she has Down syndrome- syndrome isn't capitalized like I thought it was...Things like learning the proper language is all new to me...But, thankfully the Canadian Down Syndrome Society has resources like this.

Guiding Principles
·        Use people-first language that describes who a person IS, not what a person HAS
·        Avoid demeaning phrases such as suffers from or afflicted with Down syndrome
·        Avoid outdated and derogatory terms such as retarded, handicapped, and challenged
·        Down syndrome is not a disease. Do not refer to it as such.
·        Avoid using stereotypes when referring to people with Down syndrome, e.g., “people with Down syndrome are always happy”
·        Do not mention that a person lives with Down syndrome unless it is relevant to the conversation

Talking about Down syndrome

Not Acceptable



Down’s, Down’s syndrome

Down syndrome

Although John Langdon Down classified Down syndrome, he did not have Down syndrome, and therefore it is not possessive as in Down’s

Down’s kids, Down syndrome person

A person with Down syndrome

A person should not be defined by their disability. The emphasis should be placed on the person.

Suffering from or afflicted with Down syndrome

Living with Down syndrome (if relevant to the conversation)

Words like suffering and afflicted with are demeaning. People who live with Down syndrome lead fulfilling lives; many people with Down syndrome attend college or university , work and get married

Anyways, being as this is Reids first World Down Syndrome Day I thought our little family should do something...Im sure as the years go on we will get more involved but well start things off slowly...Everyone is wearing blue/yellow & we are participating in a walk/run with our local Down Syndrome Chapter on the weekend...

And in honour of The International Down Syndrome Coalitions Theme, Who I am- Here is Who Reid Layne is...

Love you baby girl & excited to discover just who you are...

In honour of this day & to bring awareness I have updated our Trisomy 21 page...Always open to thoughts- So, if something inspired you, please share...
Happy World Down Syndrome Day Yall...