Saying good bye to my gals was pretty hard...Not going to lie...They have played such an important part in my life & I truly am going to miss them on the day to day stuff...I have been so lucky in life with having such amazing girlfriends...And I'm so thankful for the friendships I have had...Miss you gals so much already...
So, Noal, Deac & I finally made the move at the end of Nov & I've been busy trying to unpack our house and get organized before this baby girl comes...
According to the doc's, it's any day now so I'm thankful the house is ready, her room & clothes are good to go & I even had time to put up a Christmas tree...My girlfriends were all over me about that one when I told them we'll see how it goes- they demanded Noal needed a tree for here she is & here's my big belly....
Speaking of big bellies...I walked into a store the other day & saw a little boy maybe around 6 or so look at me wide eyed & then turned to his mum and say, "Mum, look she has a belly like Santa"...Bloody hell...I do look ridiculous- My belly is soo big...My new doc has even referred to it as tumour...Nice eh?
So, I hate this waiting part- especially with having a 17mth old baby boy now
to worry about...I didn't really get to this anxious part with Noal because he was almost 4 weeks early...But, with her I find I am way more anxious for her to come...I'd much rather her come now but with my luck she'll be the Diva she's made to be & come Christmas or New Year's Eve....
Anyways, my darling baby boy knows something is up...He's been through such changes the last month or so...Starting with his dad being gone for a month, then moving into a new house with a new room- which he does seem to love...His old room had bright lime light green walls which I loved & which I will eventually change this room into...But for now here's what it looks like...
Daycare has been a bit of a challenge...he went from being in a baby room with one other little boy & having the attention & love of "Miss Kerri", to moving to a Toddler room with 15 bigger kids, sleeping on a cot & being the smallest little mouse in the room...A bigger kid bit him the other day & this Mumma went nutso....Imagine me, 9 mths prego all emotional as it is, barging in there scooping him up & making the biggest deal in the world about it...Protective Mumma Bear came out in full force...
All in all, Noal seems to be accepting the changes well...he's sleeping good, loves his puppy more than ever & is growing up so fast it's killing me...Here's some pics & videos of my Bubs the last month or so...
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