June 2011,
My Noal....
I’ve decided my darling son to start this book as letters to you about moments in your life, milestones in your journey and a gift to always remember me and the love I feel for you....It’s a way to know me and your dad when you were born and throughout your life and also a way for you to remember your life though our eyes...I've thought about the fact that you will get to look back and read all this one day, and I’m happy you will get to, learn about what your dad and I were like when we were young, and enjoy so many stories and photos. I wish you could know who we are today- on the verge of being parents filled with hope and excitement...I wish you could know us as teenagers and in our 20’s when we fell in love..I want you to know who we were, our story and maybe this is my chance to give you that...through these letters...
Your coming soon and your dad and I are just over the moon....Can’t believe you are finally going to be here...I loved seeing you in ultrasounds, hearing your heartbeat and feeling you move but even more so I’m excited to meet you..On a sidenote you are huge and in turn I am huge....
I lay awake at night wondering who you will be, what you’ll look like and pray, hope you’re a happy, healthy little boy...I'm trying to really take in all of these last moments before you get here, because I know nothing will ever be the same...
I love you sweet boy, and I cannot wait to meet you...
Get here soon...
Love Mum
~To read other letters please read on~
Sept 27th, 2011
My Precious Son Noal,
You are two months old and I have never known a love like this~ My heart is just overjoyed and I love you beyond anything I have ever loved...Don’t get me wrong I love your dad so very much, but the love I feel for you is so different....
As I write this you are sleeping on my lap....Your sooo chubby {you’ve doubled your birth weight and boy do you love to eat} and you grunt a lot in your sleep...Very much like your daddy...You’re seriously the sweetest, most adorable baby I’ve ever seen... I know me and your dad are biased but everyone I meet comments on how cute you are. You have the chubbiest cheeks, your dad’’s blue eyes, my button nose, a birthmark on your right hand, big lips and fair blond hair...Noal your seriously so cute- I stare at you all the time- Just amazed that your mine...
Your dad and I wanted you for a very long time and then when I was pregnant with you we were scared we were going to lose you...I was on bed rest for close to a month and one thing you’ll learn about your mum is I go stir crazy- I think I have adult ADD-attention deficit disorder-Well at least your dad tells me I do...And you may find when I write it’s all over the place...So maybe that’s the ADD coming out- I think, talk and write all scattered- it’s just how I am...So back to the bed rest, let’s just say it wasn’t my favourite thing in the world but dear son I would have done years on bed rest for you...I would have done anything...I loved being pregnant with you and feeling you move...You moved lots at night and didn’t let me sleep much- You still don’t- But all worth it my love...
You dad as I jokingly and lovingly call Mr. Safety was so protective of me and you while I was pregnant-He read all the baby books, researched what I could and couldn’t eat, made us healthy meals, took a first aid course and whenever he was out he constantly called to check on us...When you decided to come out 3 ½ weeks early your dad was sooo nervous and cute.

Anyways, through all the pain and scares you my darling son came out shining....Now at 2 months you are so strong, you try and stand all the time, you hold your head up and you smile and interact with anyone who holds you...I guess having us as parents you were destined to be a chatterbox...Your dad is known as a big social butterfly and I will talk to anyone about anything....It's not uncommon for your dad to yell across the room when we are with people, "Enough Barbara"...He thinks I'm like Barbara Walters and asking too many inquisitive questions, but I can't help it I'm really curious...If you turn out to be a shy little thing it will throw us both for a loop- But from the looks of things you're a social, chatty little thing..
You're also sooo cuddly and I love that- you sleep in your bassinet but by mid-morning your sleeping in my arms. I just can’t get enough of your cuddles- You also like to be held upright and cuddle your face into my neck and usually fall asleep like that...Again you didn’t really have a choice, your dad and I are big cuddlers...Nothing better than a proper cuddle son....

And you get bigger everyday...I’ve had to put away some of the clothes you don’t fit in anymore...It made me a bit sad...time is just flying by Love....these 8 weeks with you have flown by and I wish there was a way to pause it all...I didn’t think I’d be such a sappy mum but I’m going to warn you now, I so am...
In 8 weeks you and I have already had some adventures....We visit my friends and their babies a few times a week, we go visit your dad at work and he is so proud to show you off and all the ladies adore you, we go to my work and I can’t get you out of there as everyone wants to see or hold you...A few days ago I got you all ready and we drove an hour to my work’s sub-office for what I thought was going to be a big 60th anniversary party so you could meet everyone...We got there and you were good for that hour drive and I found out it was the next day- Bloody hell...I’m just so tired and all the days blur into one another- On the way home you screamed for 45 min straight....good times..
We also just made your first trip to Windsor where I grew up...That was a 10 hour drive and for the most part you were a doll...You got to visit with your Grandma and Gramps who love you more than I think they possible love me...They adore you Noal and are so happy to be grandparents-When we told them we were pregnant your Grandma after crying and hugging us left and came back with clothes, teddy bears, Halloween costumes, etc...She had a whole closet waiting for you.....In Windsor you also got to meet your Uncle Air who was quite cute with you, and my absolutely favourite Aunt and Uncle flew in from Calgary....You had a lot of loving that week and you smiled lots when we were there...You were also a really good boy in all the restaurants we went to- and let me tell you we went to lots...You see son, where we live now, in your dad’s hometown there is about 3 restaurants and your momma loves her food- So when we go anywhere else we eat, eat, eat.....Anyways, I loved showing you off to my family and friends...
We also just made your first trip to Windsor where I grew up...That was a 10 hour drive and for the most part you were a doll...You got to visit with your Grandma and Gramps who love you more than I think they possible love me...They adore you Noal and are so happy to be grandparents-When we told them we were pregnant your Grandma after crying and hugging us left and came back with clothes, teddy bears, Halloween costumes, etc...She had a whole closet waiting for you.....In Windsor you also got to meet your Uncle Air who was quite cute with you, and my absolutely favourite Aunt and Uncle flew in from Calgary....You had a lot of loving that week and you smiled lots when we were there...You were also a really good boy in all the restaurants we went to- and let me tell you we went to lots...You see son, where we live now, in your dad’s hometown there is about 3 restaurants and your momma loves her food- So when we go anywhere else we eat, eat, eat.....Anyways, I loved showing you off to my family and friends...
Everything you do my love is special..I'm sure every parent feels this way and your dad tells me I'm over the top...I think your the cutest, smartest, strongest baby around...He'll show me a picture of a baby in a magazine and I'll shake my head and say that baby's got nothing on Noal...
Everyday your dad and I are amazed as we watch you grow...The first few weeks you were here your dad and I just kept looking at you and then at each other crying because we couldn’t believe how blessed we were to have made you and that you were finally here to be in our lives....I love you Noal more than I’ve ever loved anything...
You’re truly my heart...
Love Mum
~To read other letters please read on~
Sept 29, 2011
My Chunky Monkey...
So you are now 2 mths old- These last few weeks have gone by faster than any I have ever known...You mostly sleep, eat and hangout with me...
So you are now 2 mths old- These last few weeks have gone by faster than any I have ever known...You mostly sleep, eat and hangout with me...
We had your two month check up at the docs today...Right on our way out you decide to have an explosion- of course you would on the only day we actually have to be somewhere on time...But no worries, you will find in life that I am not the most punctual person~ It drives your dad crazy...
You are only 2 months but your dad and I constantly look at each other and ask, "what did we ever do before you?" Funny, how life changes...So beautiful really...
Noal, so you know a bit of history...Your dad and I loved each other right from the beginning ~ It was just us, real and honest straight away...He likes to think we fell in love at first sight...But I beg to differ...You see your dad met me while I was sporting a gigantic bumble bee costume and although I was charming it probably wasn’t my best moment...He will tell you the story one day I’m sure...Your dad told me he loved me by our second date and although I wouldn’t recommend that per say in all relationships, I truly believed him and although I don’t like to admit it to him and didn’t say it back to him on our second date- I knew I loved him just the same...I adored him from the start and still do- Even more now... Adding you to our lives has made me fall even more in love with your dad than I can even possible try to put in words- Watching him with you slays me...
You also got your 2 mth old shots today- One in each thigh...You cried pretty hard and I felt bad for you and realized that I am so not looking forward to seeing you hurt or in any kind of pain in life...But I also must be honest- some might tell you in life that I’m not the greatest with shots...I’m a big fainter~ I go down big time when needles are involved- But, surprisingly when I was pregnant with you, I was a rockstar and didn’t faint once giving blood, just ended things with a big faint when you were born...
Growing up having to get shots or give blood I’d bust out in a full blown “tantie” {that’s what your dad and I call tantrums}. I remember as a little girl getting held down by the doctor and nurses...Growing up in high school I would pass out and once I was so worked up the nurse just signed my immunization card but I didn’t really get the shot- Not sure what immunization that one was...But pregnant with you really helped my fear and I felt like I could do anything in the world if it meant protecting you...Really Noal, I would have faced or done anything to keep you safe...And I guess that’s what you feel like becoming a mum-I imagine if you’re every sick or in pain that I will now wish I could take it all for you...Not sure how I’m going to cope with this one son- I guess that’s where your wonderful, strong, rational dad comes in...He will be there to hold both our hands...We are lucky like that...
So your dad left for a weekend with his friends in Montreal...So for the first time it's just you, me and Deacon...Sounds like a perfect little weekend to me~ I love just hanging out with you...Nothing else in the world I'd rather be doing at this exact moment to be honest...
So your dad left for a weekend with his friends in Montreal...So for the first time it's just you, me and Deacon...Sounds like a perfect little weekend to me~ I love just hanging out with you...Nothing else in the world I'd rather be doing at this exact moment to be honest...
I love you son...
Love Mum
Love Mum
~To read other letters please read on~
Oct 1, 2011
My Baby...
Of course, you decided to get your first fever alone with me while your dad’s in Montreal...Your really fussy and sleeping a lot...God, my heart goes through so much with you- if feels like it’s never felt before...I can't imagine how I'd handle if you were ever seriously sick...Sending my prayers up now that I'll never have to face that battle...
Hope you get better soon my love...
Love Mum
~To read other letters please read on~
Oct 31, 2011
My Smiley Little Monkey,

You’ve started to sleep longer- thank Sweet Jesus- you go 4-5 hours now which helps me...After your early morning feeding you cuddle in bed with me till we wake up around 9 or 10...it’s some of my favourite moments..You fit in my arms perfectly and I’m trying to take in all in and cherish every second...it’s going by so very fast...Next week you’ll be 3 mths old..

So, you also celebrated your first Halloween and as mentioned before we had Halloween costumes from Grandma before you were even born....So you were a spider, the cutest spider I’ve ever seen and a lady bug...
Grandma didn’t know if you were a boy or girl so she went with both...I brought you around to see your other Grandma, your dad’s mom- who we call G and your great grandma Buzz....
You were adorable as both and I can't wait till you can collect some candy...I get any snickers you get- called it now & it's in writing....
I love you sunshine.
Love Mum
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Nov 26-2011,
You just might be the very best thing God ever truly created- I simply adore you...tomorrow you are 4mths and the time has absolutely flown...Feels like just last week you were born. I’m trying to take it all in- to enjoy and cherish every moment...God, they are already so precious to me...
We go to a mom and baby yoga class and most of the babies are tiny, quiet little girls- And then there’s you...Chunk-a-hoy who gets so hot I have to take your pants off, you also fart loudly in the class and you never stop giggling...You kill me...Your such a happy baby- I wonder if you’re going to be the class clown when you go to school.

You try and talk all the time too- Always telling us stories and laughing at your dad and I...Your dad is a rock star and is getting honoured at work so we are all heading down to Toronto for a few days- I can’t wait to have a few days in the city as a family- Our little family is so perfect- so real- so amazing- We are lucky to have each other..I love you Chunks...
Love Mum

So happy your mine...
Love you,
~To read other letters please read on~
Christmas 2011
This Christmas was the best of my life, because of you...You are one loved & spoiled little boy...You sat on my lap and we opened all the wonderful gifts you received from so many generous people...
Your Gramps, Grandma & Uncle Air drove up here to celebrate and see you...You made them laugh a lot...They couldn't believe how big you've gotten and how you interact with people now...We had quite the celebration- Your Gramps even dressed up in a Santa suit and Deac & Uncle Air's dog were his little dressed up elves...
Then we celebrated Christmas at your G's...Your Auntie Ash was home too and she just thinks your the cutest thing...I know your dad & I are biased with your cuteness but really everyone in the family thinks it too...
So you also had another round of shots and I hated seeing you cry like that...I didn’t know I could feel so much, so deeply for another human...I mean your dad is my heart but you my dear are my everything...God, I love you so very much...Your changing so much daily..You“talk”, smile and laugh all the time...Your such a happy little soul...I love that about you...I hope you stay a happy soul your whole life...And I guess that’s your dad and my goal to raise you that way...
You’re so chunky Noal...it’s oh so cute though...We call you Chunks, Bubba and recently Chowder...Your dad says it with a southern twang and it makes you laugh...You also eat your fist, fingers and anything you can get your little paws on...You also fell in love with your jolly jumper..You jump and kick your heels together like a little leprechaun- must be the Irish in ya....you also like watching tv and playing- You’ll sit with me and your dad and watch shows or play...We like hanging out with you so I don’t put you to bed till I go- figure we’ll get on some kind of routine closer to when I have to go back to work- Right now we are both just going with the flow and its relaxing, calm and we both seem happy so that’s what works for us....I don’t like thinking about when I have to go back to work- I just love spending every moment with you- every morning I kiss you and thank God we have another day together...
I love you son ~Happy Christmas my love...
Love Mum
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Feb 14, 2012
My Darling...I can’t believe you are 6mths old....I love you more each day and your smile does something to me I can’t even describe...You are the funniest, happiest baby I’ve ever seen...You laugh all the time...The other day I caught you “talking” to Deacon and then you’d start laughing, hard, at yourself...
You tell me and your dad stories all the time now- My favourite moments are right before bed- You, me, your dad and Deac all cuddle up in bed and you “talk” to us and tell us about your day- You also cuddle right beside Deac now...It’s the cutest thing- He is by far the best dog ever- You pinch and grab at things now including his skin and he just looks at me and takes it...God bless him....You’re lucky to have such a great puppy and I hope he’s around for a long time to grow up with....

Your sitting up now too which makes playing so much fun...You love this car toy thing and anything you can possible stick in your mouth...The jolly jumper is still your fav and we will ask you if you want to jump, or you’ll see it and you get all excited...You laugh and talk away in that thing...you “jump” even when I’m holding you now...I’m trying to convince Mr. Safety that we’ll need a trampoline at some point...figure if I go after it now by the time you’re old enough he’ll of given in...
I love you to the moon and back son...
Love Mum
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Feb 20th, 2012

Love you Chunks...
Love Mum
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March 5th, 2012
You’ve had a few fussy days...You haven’t been your calm, chilled, happy little self...So I get a glimpsh today and realize you now have 2 more teeth on the top...not your middle ones though...Your outside front ones- So, you’re going to have a somewhat Irish look...go figure...Loving you...cranky & all...You actually get really snuggly when you’re cranky so I don’t mind it so much...Love a good snuggle with you...We actually sleep nose to nose..It’s like we were meant to fit together...
Waking up beside you these last few months have been moments that will stay with me for life... Your dad asked me the other day what some of my favourite moments so far with you have been...And without a doubt waking up to your joyful little face has been one...We sleep in...you usually wake up before me at around 9:30ish and open your eyes and start to softly chat- You’re a big chatter...Sometimes our little living room is so loud with the 3 of us talking...Your dad and I will be having a chat and you feel you need to get in on it- But, you talk so loud to try and over power us...It’s quite funny...Okay, so once I hear ya I’m awake but I pretend to stay sleeping just to watch what you’ll do next...You’ll kick up the soft cooing talk to a louder, more excited almost joyous rant...Like you’ve excited for the day and trying to wake me up...Kills me...You’ll do that for a few minutes and then you step it up a notch, you’re really a smart little bugger, you know if you get Deac’s attention it will help me get up...So, you start to kick your little legs and rub your nose against my cheek...And this is Deac’s sign from you to get on up and wake mum up...You are doing this all while intently watching my face so that as soon as you see my eyes flicker open your gigantic cheeks are bursting in their full-faced, now with little teeth, joyful grin..This moment slays me everyday...I smile back and say “Morning Love” and rub noses and you cuddle me in for a moment or two...Then, I usually break the moment with a hello to Deac and then a tickle for you and you giggle and we play wrestle for a moment...Then, I hold you sitting up against the pillows and we talk and pet Deac and talk about what were going to do that day...Then, we go to your room, which I know I have to start using soon- you’ve never slept in your crib one night...I haven’t even tried- I have loved these moments I just described more than anything and I just want to hold on to them as long as I can...But soon...If I must...
So in your room I change your bum which oddly enough you don’t mind- you’ve never really cried over a bum change, you might even like it...I on the other hand am starting to not...You just started eating food, the first few days was hilarious...You are such a drama queen...

But I love you to the moon anyways....
Love Mum
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~To read other letters please read on~
Today also was a time for me to reflect about how much you’ve changed me... You've made me more open-minded, less selfish, more patient, and taught me to truly cherish moments in life and to know that what really matters is this...Our life...Our little family... You make me want to be a better person and mum....I’m trying to teach you to have a happy soul and to try and spread that happiness wherever you go. I smile more, I take it all in more, I try to relax and enjoy the small things. I want to be a good Mum to you...I want to be an amazing Mum to you...I want to teach you what makes a beautiful person....Bear with me son as I learn to be that person...Hanging out with you all day everyday and all night every night has been so life changing...You’ve already brought my patience to a whole new level- I am way more chilled and calm because of you...All that matters is you now...And your dad...And Deac..
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~To read other letters please read on~
March 19th, 2012
My Irish boy...
You look like a drunken Irish lad- you have 6 teeth now- 2 on the bottom that are completely out & 4 on the top- Your constantly sucking on your upper lip I guess to ease some of the teething pain but it makes you look like a drunken Irish lad...
You’re in pain, cranky and the makers of Advil should make a bigger infant bottle...
Love you bum...
Love Mum
~To read other letters please read on~
April 10th, 2012
My heart,
Today is my 31st birthday...Last year I was pregnant with you and couldn’t wait to meet you...This year you shared in my day and I couldn’t be happier...
You don't know this yet, but your mum is a thinker. .I lay in bed at night and ponder about things...Mostly now I worry about the ticking clock...I am jealous of those moms that get to stay home indefinitely with their babes...But, our situation won’t allow that- It’s like every day I feel that clock ticking and I know I am one day closer to leaving you and going back to work...It kills me- what I would give to stay and watch you grow...So, because of that I am trying to memorize and take in every moment with you... I’m doing this together with you at our own pace...No rules or routine...Just what works for me and you each day...I let you nap in my arms for the longest time even if they go numb just because I want to have that time with you...I’m trying to focus and remember every little bit...I’m trying to take mental pictures and remember how you fit in the space between my neck and chest when we cuddle, and how your little smirk grew into this beautiful smile... As you grow up now, it’s all happening so fast and I am so grateful that I always took it in and remembered to go slow....I constantly feel myself almost being sad at how fast your growing up but then in the same emotion feeling happy and excited to see who you’ll become...I miss newborn and baby Noal but each day you’re teaching me to live in the now...so for that I’m grateful...
I’m lucky to be your mum...You’re the absolutely best gift I have ever had...
Love Mum...
~To read other letters please read on~
April 19th, 2012
So today my girlfriend’s threw me a “moms” birthday party & it was brilliant- great friends, lots of laughs & bacon dip...
You’ll come to realize your mumma loves dips, sauces and would share appetizers over a meal any chance I can get...Your dad however only humours me & splits appies with me on the rare occasion- Maybe you can be my app guy?
Anyways, while everyone was enjoying the party you hungry, chunky boy bit the head off a toy turtle...Nice Bubs- real nice...
You make me laugh everyday...How special...
Love Mum
~To read other letters please read on~April 23rd, 2012
My Mumma's Boy....
There is no doubt you are a Mumma's boy...Whenever you're grumpy, tired, or need a cuddle I'm your go to...
But when it comes to making you laugh your dad is the man...The things he does to get a giggle makes me happy in my heart...He is so silly & fun- He is going to be such a great dad...I really picked a good one if I do say so myself...
However, your dad is on me to get you in your crib...it’s been ages of me telling him I would...Once you reached 4 months, then after Christmas, then after Valentine’s Day, now it’s my birthday...So tomorrow, I’m gonna give it a go- Dreading it, not wanting to do it, literally taking in every night I can with you & cherishing waking up beside you...But my dear boy...It’s a time...Wonder how this will go?
Love you,
~To read other letters please read on~
April 24th, 2012
My Prince,
Ok so that didn’t happen...I’m not ready...Last night I just stared at you trying to memorize what you look like when you fall asleep...what it feels like to cuddle you close & I just couldn’t let go yet...Your dad will just have to wait a little longer with this arrangement...I’m taking full advantage of it, no doubt...
You’re the cutest when you snore...I love you to the moon...
~To read other letters please read on~
May 13th, 2012
My love...
Today is my first Mother’s Day & I truly didn’t realize how very special it would make me feel...Your dad & of course you had a lot to do with that...Your lovely dad woke up at God knows what time to prepare everything...My perfect day started with a cuddle & brekki in bed with you, Deac & your dad...Lovely...Then your dad got all stressed out because he had planned a walk & picnic in a provincial park but it was closed...he drove around trying to find a few different places & we ended up at the lake about a 3 minute walk from our house...Kind of funny & cute to see your dad all flustered like that...The picnic was fabulous- your dad made some of my favourite foods...How cute is that?
I love being your mum...Truly I do...Thanks for being my son....
Love Mum
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May 14th, 2012
Big Brother Noal...Big shocker today!!!
We went to the Docs for an appt for you & found out your going to be a big brother...Considering I enjoyed a few gins yesterday on Mother’s Day & jumped on a trampoline we can truly say this has come to a surprise to your dad & I...
I am still really in shock...We wanted you to have a sibling and we wanted you to be close in age so although this is a bit early we are overjoyed & happy to grow our little family...You seem like such a baby to me, you are such a baby still...I can’t imagine you being a big brother just yet...I guess we better get on that crib thing then, hey my love?
I love you son...
Love Mum
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Random Weeks in May & June...
I don’t even know what the date is...Days, nights, weeks have all kind of blurred into one...Getting you to sleep in your crib has been quite the challenge...Again to note and I say this to your dad constantly- as much as a challenge and as tired as I am these past few weeks- I would do it all over again to have those months co-sleeping with you...He can beat it!

Love you little monkey...But I miss you too at night...
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July 27th, 2011-
My 1 year old Monkey...

The biggest thing you have taught so far is to live with a thankful heart & happy soul...Everyday spent with you has been amazing {I’m desperately dreaded September when you have to go to daycare & I’m so thankful I’m prego again so that I’ll only be away from you for a few short months}...You my dear darling boy have truly shown me what’s important in life- You are the truest reminder everyday of what really matters...
You have brought so much happiness, love, and hope to our little family...Your dad & I absolutely adore you & we are certain that you are going to do something very special and wonderful in this world...Your happy soul alone brings everyone who meets you a smile...You’re funny, so sweet, soo cuddly and so adventurous...
So, although this year has gone by faster than I ever imagine- I’m trying to live in the present and not think too far ahead...I’m trying to enjoy the now with you...Son, I love the now more than any other time in my life.
Happy 1st Birthday My love...
Love Mum