I use to walk all the time when I lived in Dublin...I use to be somewhat fit & now I find myself jealous, in awe, & feeling bad for those devout work-outers...I’m jealous & in awe of those gals motivation- determination & strength...But, I also feel bad for them when I see them running in the rain & I’m pulling in to get a donut & a coffee to go home & watch a movie on my arse...I’m a softie right now...literally in every sense...I’m sooo unbelievably lazy, have no motivation & sometimes I feel carrying around the Bubs all day is a workout in itself...I mean walking around the block with the hubs & boys right now is leaving me huffing & puffing...Sad I know...
I liked that about living in a city...It kind of forces you to just walk everywhere...I loved that about Dublin- we use to walk to work every morning & night...Dublin was one of the best years of my life- I knew it at the time...I could just feel it...Just like I can feel it now- this moment with Craig & Noal- It’s gonna be one of my all time favs...Looking back Dublin & now will be times that shine brightly...
So, as mentioned when we lived in Dublin, every morning the hubs & I would walk to work...Now, ask any close friend of mine- I’m a gal who- the thought of walking in the rain, & the havoc it would do on my hair is something I try at all cost to avoid. So, living in one of the rainiest countries in the world at times had me trotting {my version of running- kind of a skippy trot}, wearing or holding jackets, shirts, bags, or papers covering my head & buying an abundance of umbrellas- I lose them a lot...well to be honest, I’d buy cheap ones at Penny’s and sometimes if I didn’t want to be bothered lugging them around all day/night I’d “leave” them or “pass” them on for someone else caught up in the rain to find...Either way I definitely don’t love the rain, the gloominess it brings or the attendance record it had in Ireland...I do, however, love a rainy afternoon, cuddled up with a good book & cup of tea...Sheesh I’m ranting now & I can tell it might get worse before it gets back on track- Ireland does that to me...So back to the walking- we’d walk to & from work- and in turn got our exercise, explored this new fascinating city, & and it was easier than relying on trains, buses, or cabs...
So right, back to getting er done...Besides not fitting into my wedding dress 4 months before the wedding & having to trim er down because the dress was made out of lace & it wasn’t an option to let it out...I worked my arse off more than I ever have in that case...But since Ireland & my wedding I haven’t really done too much- So, I gotta get doing something again...A walk around the block with the fam should not tire me out...
So this is a big ShoutOut: to the ladies out there who are strong, healthy & getting er done...Your facebook status’s about running marathons, losing pds, eating healthy all make me feel like a slob and a half...But thank you for showing me you can do it...I’m gonna get on it this time...This blog kind of makes me accountable in a weird way- I know I posted this 10 day eat clean pledge & exercises but really I failed that miserable...If it weren't for the blog I’d continue to start something for a few days and then give up constantly, but writing it out for all to see makes me realize what a twit I am...
Pin It I liked that about living in a city...It kind of forces you to just walk everywhere...I loved that about Dublin- we use to walk to work every morning & night...Dublin was one of the best years of my life- I knew it at the time...I could just feel it...Just like I can feel it now- this moment with Craig & Noal- It’s gonna be one of my all time favs...Looking back Dublin & now will be times that shine brightly...

When we first decided to move to Dublin, we both thought we’d aim for career type jobs but if we ended up getting work tending bar, we’d be okay & live it up regardless...We were big dreamers- right out of College & feeling the world at our fingertips...I ended up getting two jobs back to back...The first job was for the famous Gresham Hotel on O’Connell Street... I was an executive assistant to the boss man...What a Irish gentleman he was...That was a fabulous job in itself & I worked there for about 2 weeks- I probably would have had a great experience working there but I interviewed at a national newspaper & can remember shaking and jumping {sometimes when I’m beyond excited I do a little jump up and down cause I simply can’t contain myself} when I got the call & the job...It was a job in the field I went to college for- I was interested, it was a great salary & I’d be working with management right away...It was an awesome experience, challenging to boot & I met some of the loveliest people I will ever meet in life...
The hubs on the other end had to change his field completely- He came from a psychology degree & the social work scene I believe would have been harder area to get into...His first job was a no go for me...I had started at the paper by then & he had gotten a gambling call centre sales rep type job- It was okay pay but the hours were 11 pm till 7 am- So, just as I’m going to sleep he’s heading out to work- Wasn’t gonna work from the get go in my mind...
On really rainy days when I’d take the bus I’d be lucky to see him walking home from his night shift from the bus window- He’d look up at me, with his adorable face & blow me a kiss...I use to think this was terribly romantic at the time...And I’d be listening to a James Blunt song so that really made it all the sweeter in my 24 year old head...I can remember being just so in love with him, with where we were & with my life...This is exactly how we found our wedding song...I heard it for the first time on the bus when he starred up at me & grinned- I could barely breath because the words John Legend was singing was sooo true of what I felt for Craig...That night we both laid down on our tiny bed, in our tiny one room apartment, each with an earphone attached to my tiny iPod, holding hands & being so deeply happy...Hearing those words again on our wedding day when I became his wife was extraordinary...I really do adore this boy...
Anyways, because of the hours, me feeling scared in a downtown {Parnell Street for those Dubliners} not greatest neighbourhood & us moving across the world to explore it together- he quit & thankfully got a wonderful opportunity with Grandore Business Centres & absolutely loved working & learning from his entrepreneurial boss...We often wonder what our lives would be if his dad never got sick, if we didn’t move to his hometown, if we didn’t completely switch career fields {me from journalism to human resources & the hubs from psychology to now becoming a certified financial planner- that’s a hard designation to obtain & my hubs did it in one shot- he’s a rockstar...We sometimes wonder would we still be in Ireland & what we would be doing...When I’m really day dreaming I wish that my media career switched from print to tv- Working for RTE or Sky1 would have been fabulous...
Okay so whole point of blog- Was to get me off my lazy arse...Got way off track there with Ireland- I tend to do that when I’m talking about my time there...It’s kind of like a romantic lost love...You think back extremely fondly, get lost in memories & miss a little part of them...So, on that note Pin Twelve is a memory too lovely to not share: A picture of the bridge I'd walk everyday to & from work...
So this is a big ShoutOut: to the ladies out there who are strong, healthy & getting er done...Your facebook status’s about running marathons, losing pds, eating healthy all make me feel like a slob and a half...But thank you for showing me you can do it...I’m gonna get on it this time...This blog kind of makes me accountable in a weird way- I know I posted this 10 day eat clean pledge & exercises but really I failed that miserable...If it weren't for the blog I’d continue to start something for a few days and then give up constantly, but writing it out for all to see makes me realize what a twit I am...
great post...with some awesome pics!!! I hope I am lucky enough to travel to Ireland one day!
ReplyDeleteGus Gus you must try to get there- Such a magical place...