So, a few of you have asked how goes Operation: Get Noal in his crib....As mentioned in my Yipppeee post, Noal has got the nap thing down...I thought after my roadie with Couver Id be back at square one but thankfully Noal remembered & went to sleep for naps in his crib with no problems....

Last night however, was my first go of getting him to sleep in the crib overnight...Again, I kept pushing it off as long as I could & used Mother's Day as my last go of it...Writing this is hard because my whole left side is kinked & my little stumpy legs are still numb from the experience...I did the routine, you know- bath, cuddle, read, ning...But as soon as I laid him in the crib he went off...Just lost his mind- screaming even though I was right there with my hand on his chest through the crib rails...He just wasnt havent it...I tried for a good hour- of him not really crying more like screaming- letting me know he was not having it...He is sooo stubborn & he really is a drama queen...I believe he gets that from the hubs...Speaking of the hubs, I then got him to give it a go & after listening to Noal still going mental I couldnt do it...So in I go- back in the crib like I did when teaching him to nap...He cuddled right in to me & fell asleep...Stinking, smart little monkey...Then I tried to crawl out of the crib without waking him- tougher than it may seem...Even then I couldnt leave him alone on his first night...So, I made myself a little bed of couch pillows & such & slept beside him so when he woke he knew I was still right there...Thankfully, he only woke up twice & I got him back to sleep in the crib within minutes each time...Holding his little hand through the rails...
Tonight we did the same little routine and when I went to put him down in the crib he gave a half hearted little protest but within seconds was sleeping...Im planning to sleep on my couch cushions again tonight just so hes comfortable, feels safe & knows I'm there...Well worth the kinked up neck in my mind...I know some must find me crazy & way too soft...But, I cant help it...I really cant...I just keep thinking he's only this little once & it's already going by faster than I ever could have imagined...So what if I have to rock him to sleep- those moments with him will be with me for life...

On other Noal updates: As mentioned he is on the move & life has taken on a new form of busy...He's into everything & everyday he seems to do something different...What an amazing gift watching someone grow up...He still loves sticking out his tongue almost like it's a trick now...
He of course has a zillion toys but loves Deac's water dish the most...
We also got lucky & friends gave us their swingset for our backyard...Took some getting use to!

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