Today while number 2 and number 3 napped, number 1 and I ran errands...

We went to a Dollar store but when the cashier tallied the total I was short 70 cents. I awkwardly looked at what I bought, moving things around and debating in my head what I could possibly give up. 

I could have put it all back. Seriously ANY SINGLE item. But I didn't want to. I mean Candy - More baskets - Chocolate - Water balloons. Hmmm, really big decisions.

Anyways, without even batting an eye, the young friendly cashier took out her purse from under the counter and paid my debt...I mean, come on. Kindness slapping me right in the face. She didn't know or ask my story, she didn't even take time to assess the situation. She didn't know I was there simply to have an outing to spend time alone with my son. Or that the ice cream we had across the street just wasn't enough, I needed more time with him. She didn't know that walking the aisles of her store and being silly with my 4 year old was most definitely the highlight of my day or that I desperately wanted a chocolate bar. {Or Two - Don't judge}

She didn't know anything. Literally. No questions asked. She just immediately thought kindness. And that, to me, is what is so beautiful. To have kindness come first in your thought process - To just immediately act no matter the situation in kindness. That's what the world, that's what all of us, need to do more. 

Next week, Happy Soul Project officially launches as a Non Profit Organization & we are introducing a new initiative called Change Makers.
It's a way to hear how you, how others, are helping to change the world a wee bit. It's a way to see the power in kindness. I'll tell y'all more about it next week, but I'd love for you to start sharing our new hashtag #immediatekindness when you know of how someone acted immediately with kindness before anything else. 

Whoever said, "Above all else, be kind" - No doubt, most beautiful way to live...